Software Quality Assurance: The Backbone of Business Resilience

Software Quality Assurance: The Backbone of Business Resilience

Quality assurance services (or simply QA) are more than just a buzzword in the tech sphere.

On the contrary, it’s a fundamental pillar for creating top-notch software and smooth development services. High standards set by QA practices mean fewer bugs, better performance, and happier users.

A 2022 report by CISQ revealed staggering statistics: poor software quality cost U.S. companies a whopping $2.41 trillion due to glitches and inefficiencies. That’s a lot of zeros! Additionally, the accumulated software technical debt has grown to approximately $1.52 trillion, highlighting the urgent need for robust QA practices. Effective quality control measures can significantly reduce these costs, underscoring the importance of investing in QA from the very beginning. After all, detecting a bug early means saving a penny, while finding it late can cost a dollar.

QA services go beyond just testing the software. It encompasses a broad range of activities designed to ensure that software meets specific requirements and standards, resulting in a first-rate product. While testing focuses on finding defects in the software, software quality assurance aims to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place through proactive measures. This comprehensive approach includes planning, controlling, assuring, and improving quality at every stage of development.

Key principles of software testing and quality assurance

1. Quality begins with specification

High-caliber software starts with clear, detailed requirements that must be thoroughly documented, consistent, testable, and achievable within the allocated time and budget. This initial step lays the foundation for all subsequent quality control efforts, preventing misunderstandings, errors, and the need for rushed work or overtime later in the software development process.

2. Software quality control throughout the development lifecycle

Enhancing software quality management involves more than just reviewing specifications. It includes key practices such as:

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD), where tests are created before writing code to ensure reliability and reduce errors.
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) extends TDD by emphasizing natural language scenarios and examples, fostering better understanding and communication between non-technical stakeholders and the engineering team.
  • Code reviews, where peers check each other’s code for quality and share knowledge.
  • Technical debt control, focusing on continuously improving code to prevent future issues.
  • Security testing to identify and fix vulnerabilities, safeguarding against cyber threats.
  • Performance testing, which includes load testing to assess response under heavy user traffic and stress testing to evaluate limits and endurance.
  • Usability testing, starting from the UI design phase and continuing through user acceptance testing.
  • Constant monitoring of software availability in production and optimizing where necessary to maintain or improve efficiency.
  • Reviewing user feedback and incorporating necessary improvements to enhance user experience and satisfaction.

Adopting these practices, collectively forming Quality Driven Development (QDD), requires significant effort for both execution and ongoing improvement. Integrating various AI assistants into these processes can help automate tasks, provide insights, and enhance overall quality control efforts effectively.

3. CI/CD for software quality assurance

Achieving high software quality and receiving timely QA feedback involves implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). CI/CD automates integration, testing, and deployment processes, facilitating rigorous testing and efficient updates.

Integrating testing frameworks into CI/CD pipelines enables automatic regression testing and manages technical debt. This streamlines development, maintains consistent software quality metrics, and validates independently. Additionally, CI/CD pipelines can generate notifications and detailed QA reports based on specific criteria. For example, performance testing alerts on excessive response times, and security testing identifies and reports vulnerabilities. These insights enable proactive issue resolution, empowering teams to prioritize innovation over manual testing and reporting.

4. Employee professional development

To remain at the forefront, software development teams need to constantly update their knowledge and skills through certification and ongoing training. Simply delivering a fully functional product isn’t enough; understanding industry standards and trends is crucial for suggesting continuous quality improvement strategies. The main responsibility of specialists in the QA role is to strike a balance between quality, meeting deadlines, and managing costs, which is pivotal for effective software quality control.

5. Independent QA teams

Dedicated QA teams, separate from the engineering teams, focus exclusively on ensuring quality by reviewing specifications, conducting audits, and performing tests. Involving third-party quality assurance specialists further elevates the software product to new heights, helping to maintain objectivity and ensuring that excellence remains a top priority.

All these practices form quality driven development (QDD).

QDD benefits

Quality driven development offers significant advantages by prioritizing rigorous software testing and quality assurance practices. Here they are:

  • Enhanced quality via comprehensive testing methods and proactive software quality management throughout the development process.
  • Early detection and resolution of issues with techniques like TDD and BDD, which prevent costly fixes later on.
  • Continuous improvement achieved by implementing and automating best practices.
  • Closer collaboration between QA teams and developers ensures that software meets customer requirements.
  • Strengthened security and better performance achieved through automated security and load testing, protecting software from cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
  • User retention is boosted by delivering an attractive, high-standard product. Studies indicate that users are less loyal to software with bugs; more than half would abandon an app if they encountered significant issues in a day. Therefore, high-quality software not only builds a strong brand but also retains and expands the user base.

Thus, quality driven development results in reliable and competitive software products.

software quality assurance services

QDD risks

Quality driven development poses several risks that organizations must consider:

  • Increased development time due to meticulous testing and code reviews. Additionally, maintaining high-quality documentation demands extra effort.
  • Higher initial costs from investing in specific tools for automated testing and QA analysis. Continuous team education on QDD practices also adds to expenses.
  • Potential overhead, as the focus on quality may not always justify the investment. This also correlates with the risk of over-engineering, leading to unnecessary features and costly, overly sophisticated solutions.
  • Resistance to change among team members and stakeholders, requiring persuasion of the long-term benefits.
  • Measurement challenges in quantifying quality, as assessments are often subjective.
  • Adherence to QA standards among external teams may be complicated if the company turns to outsourcing. To achieve effective coordination, robust communication is essential.

Despite all these risks, a proper development approach promises long-term benefits, such as enhanced software quality and reduced technical debt. Still, organizations can harness QDD effectively with the help of strategic planning and effective management.

software quality assurance services

Employing AI tools to ensure quality

Incorporating AI tools in software quality management has transformed the QA role, boosting efficiency across the software development cycle. Intelligent assistants can now be employed for nearly every task, significantly accelerating the release process.

1. Better project planning

ClickUp Brain, which leverages AI to simplify task prioritization and spot potential risks based on past projects can help you with planning. It offers smart recommendations and insights, helping teams allocate resources efficiently and streamline workflows for smoother project execution.

2. Creating robust specifications

Consider IBM DOORS Next or ReqSuite® RM for documentation. These tools utilize AI modules to track requirements, manage change requests, and prevent scope creep. They offer intuitive web-based interfaces that facilitate simultaneous collaboration, enabling both technical team members and diverse stakeholders to work together seamlessly.

3. Crafting exceptional UI/UX designs

One of the best choices is Figma, which offers AI-driven features that enhance productivity and creativity. These capabilities span idea generation, exploring various design approaches, automating routine tasks, detecting potential usability issues, and validating decisions against industry standards.

4. Enhancing architecture quality

For proven software architecture you may utilize Ardoq. Its AI capabilities streamline modeling, offer expert guidance on best practices, and create tailored visualizations. Ardoq not only provides AI tools for designing enterprise architecture but also assists in identifying, documenting, and evaluating AI projects across your organization.

5. Improving code quality

Consider leveraging DeepCode, which is powered by AI and machine learning. This tool analyzes sources to identify issues, bugs, and inefficiencies, offering automated code reviews with suggestions based on global guidelines and real-time risk assessments. It provides contextual recommendations and security checks, adapting and learning from developer interactions to continuously improve its insights and support the team in maintaining robust and secure codebases.

6. Generating unit tests automatically

Beyond well-known GitHub Copilot, try using one of these AI tools tailored to specific programming languages: Diffblue Cover for unit-tests in Java and Kotlin or for TypeScript projects.

7. Streamlining testing processes

To optimize testing approach, leverage one of the following AI-powered platforms: Mabl, which integrates with CI/CD pipelines to perform end-to-end and regression testing; Testim, using AI to create, execute, and maintain automated tests, identifying potential issues before they reach production; or Applitools, which utilizes visual AI for automated visual testing, ensuring UI consistency across different devices and browsers.

8. Enhancing the quality of support services

Finally, your application is released to production! At this stage, it’s beneficial to employ New Relic, which offers AI-driven observability across the stack, encompassing application performance and infrastructure monitoring, as well as log management. Additionally, considering Qualtrics or Medallia to process and analyze user feedback provides insights into user satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Thus, integrating AI tools into a software quality management system significantly enhances the QA process. By employing artificial intelligence at every stage of development—from project planning to processing user feedback—organizations can ensure higher quality, improved efficiency, and better user satisfaction.

Software quality metrics

Measuring quality typically poses a significant challenge as it’s complex to quantify. The following software metrics are worth considering:



Defects per requirement, or defect density

Measures how many defects are discovered per requirement during testing, indicating their risk level for release. It helps teams prioritize improvements to testing strategies and decide on the deployability of each requirement based on its defect count.

Bugs found vs. bugs fixed

Evaluates QA effectiveness by comparing discovered bugs to resolved ones, offering insights into defect management and testing progress.

Bugs found vs. Bugs fixed = ( Total number of defects reported / Total number of defects fixed) x 100%

Defect resolution percentage

Measures the efficiency of the development team in analyzing and fixing bugs reported by QA teams. By tracking the ratio of defects fixed to those reported, this metric can help explain delays in shipping and is particularly useful in discussions with management. 

Defect resolution % = (Total number of defects fixed / Total number of defects reported) x 100%

Fix quality (or defective fixes %)

Evaluates the effectiveness of fixes in maintaining software reliability, crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction in critical systems. It quantifies defective fixes as a percentage of all fixes within a given period, aiming for zero defective fixes within the analyzed period.

Fix quality % = (Total number of defective fixes / Total number of defects fixed ) x 100%

Cost per bug fix

Represents the amount spent to fix each bug, calculated as the time taken to fix the bug multiplied by the developer's hourly rate. For a more comprehensive figure, you can also include the cost of testing each bug fix in the final reporting. 

Cost per bug fix = (Time taken to fix + Time taken to validate fix) * the avg team member’s hourly rate.

Defect age

Measures the average time taken to fix a defect, calculated from the time of bug creation to its resolution, typically measured in days. A progressively low Defect Age indicates maturing QA processes, as bugs are resolved more quickly with each test cycle. 

Defect age = Difference between the time of bug creation and time of bug resolution.

Number of reopenings

Tracks how often a particular task or bug is reopened, even if it happens across different builds or releases. Frequent reopenings indicate system instability, architectural design issues, and low code quality.

Defect distribution over time

Charts the number and origin of defects at the end of each test cycle, showing the development team's progress in identifying and resolving bugs. Categorizing defects by cause, module, severity, or platform helps pinpoint areas needing more attention, making it easier to identify and address recurring issues in specific categories.

Fix backlog and Backlog Management Index (BMI)

The Fix Backlog metric tracks the rate of defect arrivals against the rate at which fixes for reported problems are made available. It measures the count of unresolved problems at the end of each month or week. The Backlog Management Index (BMI) helps manage this backlog, indicating backlog reduction when BMI is greater than 100 and an increase when BMI is less than 100.

BMI = (Number of defects closed within the period / Number of defects reported within the period) x 100%

Escaped bugs

Measures post-release software issues reported by customers, indicating QA effectiveness. Minimizing these bugs ensures smoother user experiences and fewer post-launch interruptions.

Mean time to failure

Measures the average time between system failures, commonly used in safety-critical systems such as air traffic control, avionics, and weaponry. This metric helps assess the reliability and performance of systems where failure can have severe consequences.

Customer problems

Measures the issues customers encounter while using the product, including both defect-oriented and non-defect problems, from the customer's perspective. This metric is usually expressed as Problems per User-Month (PUM), calculated by dividing the total problems reported by customers over a time period by the total number of license-months of the software during that period.

PUM = (Total problems that customers reported for a period) / (Number of installed licenses × Number of months in the analyzed period)

Calculating these metrics along with KPIs for the team regularly will provide you with a feeling of confidence.

Looking to enhance your QA services?

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Partnering for Success: Mobile Development for a Game Company

Partnering for Success: Mobile Development for a Game Company

At Timspark, we are deeply proud of the work we deliver and the strong partnerships we forge with our clients. Recently, our team earned high recommendations on GoodFirms platform from LEPTA, a game development company, for our outstanding contributions to their current projects. We showed our best skills in mobile development and helped our client achieve their goals. 

mobile development for a game company

Project overview

Our recent engagement with LEPTA involved Unity staff augmentation services to support their ambitious game development goals. LEPTA required a partner that could seamlessly integrate with their team and enhance their development capabilities. Timspark provided specialized mobile app development services that not only met but surpassed our client’s expectations.

Why LEPTA chose Timspark

Nik Sokolov, CEO of LEPTA, highlighted the reasons behind their decision to partner with Timspark:

‘We chose Timspark due to their excellent cultural fit and high value for the cost.’

These words resonate with our core principles – making sure our clients not only benefit from high-quality development services but also experience a partnership grounded in mutual respect, shared objectives, and a strong understanding of each other’s requirements.

We continue our project with LEPTA and look forward to collaborating with other forward-thinking companies, helping them achieve their goals through our expertise and dedication to delivering high-quality solutions.

GoodFirms is your trusted B2B review and rating platform, featuring hand-picked lists of top companies backed by verified reviews from real users. To learn more details about this partnership, visit our GoodFirms profile.

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Driven to Succeed: Exploring the Software Development Methods

Driven to Succeed: Exploring the Software Development Methods

To excel in software development, numerous factors should be considered. One of the most critical is selecting the right development methodology. This choice ensures timely delivery and meeting quality standards, yet it depends on variables such as project idea, complexity of architecture, and team dynamics. Understanding these factors deeply is essential for making informed decisions. Let’s explore the most popular practices to help you choose the optimal development methods.

What are the common methods of software development?

Among the variety of popular methodologies, the following are worth considering:

  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Data Driven Development (DDD)
  • Domain Driven Design (another DDD)
  • Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • Event Driven Development (EDD)
  • User Driven Development (UDD)

These software development methods pave the way for successful project outcomes. Some are complementary, enhancing each other’s effectiveness, while others demand a meticulous architectural approach. Further throughout the article we dive deeper into their application.

Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software design method where tests are created before writing actual code, ensuring thorough testing of each feature. This approach is particularly effective in Agile frameworks with evolving requirements. By prioritizing early testing, TDD often leads to improved software architecture, with responsibilities well-distributed among components and complex procedures simplified into manageable tasks. By continually verifying critical functionalities through automated tests integrated in continuous integration (CI) pipelines, TDD enhances application stability.

Some notable development frameworks that support TDD include: JUnit for Java, Jest for JavaScript testing, PyTest for Python, and NUnit for .NET languages.

test driven development


  • Improved code quality: Creating tests encourages developers to assess programmed algorithms and the holistic architecture carefully.
  • Refactoring support: With extensive test coverage, developers can modify code confidently, assured that existing functionality remains intact.
  • Documentation: Tests serve as documentation, demonstrating how the application should function.
  • Simplified debugging: Tests streamline debugging process, offering atomic and straightforward insights into code issues.
  • Controlled technical debt: Test-driven approach enhances metrics like  maintainability, testability, and changeability.


  • Initial investment: Introducing tests may initially consume additional time, potentially delaying the feature development.
  • Overhead: Managing a substantial test suite can be cumbersome, particularly with frequent changes in requirements.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an alternative development method that extends Test Driven Development (TDD) by prioritizing teamwork among technical members and business stakeholders, ensuring everyone is on the same page. In BDD, test scenarios are crafted in natural language using the Given-When-Then structure:

  • Given some initial context,
  • When an action is performed,
  • Then a particular outcome should occur.
Behavior Driven Development

Numerous tools enable writing tests in plain language. For instance, SpecFlow for .NET, Behave for Python, and JBehave for Java, while Cucumber offers support for various technologies, including Ruby, Java, and JavaScript.


  • Improved communication: BDD fosters bridges the gap between software developers and stakeholders who lack a technical background.
  • User-centric: Focusing on user behavior ensures that the software closely aligns with user needs and preferences.
  • Enhanced documentation: The natural language scenarios serve as both quality benchmarks and reference material, clearly outlining the product’s functionality.


  • Initial learning curve: Teams new to BDD might require time to learn and adapt to writing behavior specifications.
  • Overhead: Writing and maintaining detailed scenarios can be time-consuming, which may slow down development.

Comparing BDD and TDD

BDD is akin to TDD in many ways but takes a unique angle. While TDD utilizes unit tests for development, BDD uses  natural language scenarios to test behavior from a user’s perspective. Both methods prioritize writing tests initially, but BDD involves a broader range of stakeholders. In essence, BDD aligns with Agile development best practices by ensuring that the software meets user needs, even as requirements frequently evolve.

Data Driven Development

Data Driven Development (DDD) is a software development method that leverages data to drive every aspect of application creation, from design to development and decision-making. It is particularly valuable in projects that rely heavily on data, like analytics platforms and machine learning systems.

Several tools and technologies support Data Driven Development:

  • Data processing frameworks: Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark enable large-scale data processing and analysis.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) tools: Tableau and Power BI facilitate data visualization and analysis to guide development decisions.
  • Data pipelines: Apache NiFi and Airflow manage data flows between systems efficiently.

Programming languages: Python and R offer extensive libraries and community support for implementing data analysis algorithms.

Data Driven Development


  • Decision-making assistance: Insights derived from analyzing collected analytical data can guide more accurate choices for software design.
  • Enhanced user experience: By analyzing user behavior and enabling predictive modeling, developers can tailor the application to better meet user needs.
  • Optimized performance: Continuous monitoring and analysis of performance metrics help pinpoint bottlenecks and refine the system.


  • Complexity: Managing big data and ensuring its quality can be intricate and require substantial resources.
  • Ensuring privacy: Sensitive data requires strict adherence to regulatory requirements and the implementation of rigorous security measures.

When to use Data Driven Development

Data Driven Development is ideal for projects where data is integral to functionality and user experience. Examples include:

Domain Driven Design

The acronym DDD also stands for Domain Driven Design. However, this methodology differs from Data Driven Development. Domain Driven Design focuses on modeling software to align with complex business domain requirements and stresses collaboration between industry analysts and programmers to ensure a shared understanding of business processes and rules. It’s particularly beneficial for large, complex projects that require deep domain expertise, such as enterprise applications and financial systems.

Tools like UML (Unified Modeling Language) and Miro are invaluable for facilitating Domain Driven Design. Both promote cooperation between subject matter experts and software engineering teams.

Domain Driven Design


  • Alignment with business goals: Guarantees the software precisely meets business needs.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Fosters effective communication between software creators and industry specialists, leading to a deeper understanding of the business domain.
  • Maintainability: A well-structured domain model leads to more accurate architecture, which in turn enhances the software’s maintainability and adaptability to changes.
  • Scalability: Domain Driven Design’s focus on bounded contexts helps in scaling the application by dividing it into manageable pieces.


  • Complexity: Implementing such an approach requires a profound grasp of the domain.
  • Initial investment: High upfront investment in time and resources to build the domain model and foster effective teamwork.

Comparison with Data Driven Development

Data Driven Development uses data to guide decisions and optimize functionality, while Domain Driven Design models software based on proven knowledge of industry processes to be automated. The latter is an especially powerful development method for building complex and business-critical applications.

Feature Driven Development

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an iterative methodology that delivers tangible, working software in short cycles. It focuses on building small, client-valued features that can be delivered in two weeks or less. FDD works well with software development models like Scrum or Kanban.

To implement FDD methodology effectively, it’s advisable to adopt project management tools that support Agile boards and CI/CD, such as Jira, Trello, GitLab, and YouTrack.

Feature Driven Development


  • Customer-focused: Ensures that development is driven by user-prioritized features, leading to higher satisfaction.
  • Predictable processes: Provides a structured, repeatable process, making it easier to manage large projects, such as development of enterprise systems.
  • Incremental progress: Delivers working software in short cycles, allowing for regular customer feedback and adjustments.
  • Scalability: Scales well for large teams due to its clear structure and focus on individual tasks.


  • Complexity in feature scope definition: Since projects typically consist of interrelated features, it can be challenging to determine their implementation sequence and isolate a specific feature as a complete functionality for a given iteration.
  • Overhead: Large features need to be broken down into smaller pieces, accompanied by stub development to fit each iteration. This initially increases implementation overhead, followed by the eventual removal of the stubs.

FDD differs from other software development processes and methodologies by focusing on client-valued features rather than data-driven decision-making or domain knowledge modeling. This makes it ideal for custom software projects that require incremental delivery of ready-to-use functionality.

Event Driven Development

Event Driven Development (EDD) stands out among methods of development with its reactive, event-based approach. It involves designing system components to react asynchronously to messages, fostering a responsive and scalable architecture. EDD is particularly beneficial for applications requiring real-time processing, such as financial trading platforms, live monitoring solutions, online gaming, and social media, where immediate reactions to user actions or system events are essential.

To implement EDD, various tools and development frameworks can be used:

  • Message brokers: RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, and AWS SNS/SQS facilitate message queuing and pub/sub messaging patterns.
  • Stream processing: Apache Storm and Apache Flink enable real-time stream processing and analysis.
  • Event-driven frameworks: Spring Framework with Spring Cloud Stream, Node.js with Socket.IO, and Akka for building reactive systems.
  • Integration platforms: MuleSoft and Apache Camel for integrating various systems through event-driven architectures.

The main idea of Event Driven Development is that the system is designed as a set of loosely coupled components. From the event model perspective, these components may be unaware of each other; some produce necessary data and trigger events, while others subscribe to these events and use the data for their needs.

The software development process initiates with a business analyst defining event and data models during the requirement analysis step. Next, an architect designs the high-level architecture, focusing on how the components will interact. DevOps then deploys the necessary technology, including an event broker like Apache Kafka. Only after these steps do software developers start coding. Meanwhile, QA engineers prepare test data and write test scenarios, which are more complex due to the asynchronous nature of the event-driven model.

Event Driven Development


  • Scalability: EDD’s asynchronous nature allows for scalable systems that can handle high volumes of events without performance degradation.
  • Maintainability and extensibility: Components are loosely coupled, enhancing modularity and making the software easier to maintain and extend.
  • Responsiveness: Real-time event processing ensures that applications can respond to user actions and system changes instantly.
  • Flexibility: Facilitates complex workflows and integrations by enabling systems to react to various events dynamically.


  • Complexity: Designing and managing event-driven architectures requires highly skilled software architects.
  • Testing challenges: Testing such software can be complex because of its asynchronous nature and the need to simulate event flows.
  • Debugging difficulty: Tracing and debugging issues in event-driven systems often require specialized tools and techniques.

Data Driven Development often complements EDD, as optimizing and minimizing transmitted data, along with ensuring conflict-free processing, is crucial in creating an effective event-driven model.

User Driven Development

User Driven Development (UDD) is a software design method that involves engaging end-users throughout the development process, focusing on continuous feedback, iterative design, and direct user testing. Lead users, who are the most active end-users, help by generating and validating ideas and requirements. Non-lead users, meanwhile, test the software and provide feedback. This feedback is then reviewed and, with approval from the lead users, may be incorporated into the project. This approach is particularly valuable in Agile development environments where rapid adjustments to user input are crucial, and it is well-suited for consumer applications, mobile apps, and user-centric web services.

In addition to ticket tracking systems like Jira Service Desk, specific tools such as Figma for interactive UI prototyping, and tools like UserTesting, SurveyMonkey, and Typeform for conducting surveys, can facilitate the collection of user feedback at any stage of development.

Event Driven Development


  • User-centric: Ensuring that the final product satisfies users by monitoring user experience.
  • Rapid iteration: Encouraging frequent updates and refinements based on user input, leading to a more polished and functional product.
  • Reduced risk: By involving users early and often, UDD minimizes the risk of developing unnecessary or poorly designed features.
  • Increased engagement: Involving users in the development process can increase their engagement and loyalty to the product.


  • Resource intensive: Continuously involving users and incorporating their feedback can be time-consuming.
  • Potential for scope creep: Constantly adapting to user suggestions may lead to scope creep, where the project expands beyond its original goals.
  • Balancing act: Balancing user input with technical feasibility and business goals can be challenging.
  • Dependency on user availability: Relying on user feedback requires consistent and reliable user participation, which can sometimes be hard to secure.

Comparison with other methods

User Driven Development fits well within Agile development best practices, emphasizing iterative progress and responsiveness to change. While it shares similarities with Feature Driven Development (FDD), UDD stands out by actively involving real users throughout the development stages, whereas FDD focuses on rapid releases followed by user feedback collection. Unlike other software design methods such as Test Driven Development (TDD) or Behavior Driven Development (BDD), which prioritize code quality and behavior alignment, UDD places the end-user at the center of the development process. This ensures that the final product is not only well-built but also user-friendly.

So many software development methods, which to choose?

Choosing the right development method depends on many factors and typically occurs during the Elaboration phase. This stage involves refining the project’s vision, identifying risks, and establishing the project’s architecture. Timspark’s technical pre-sales team can design a comprehensive vision for the future software, which will then be used by our architects to select the appropriate methodology. Our skilled DevOps team will ensure the seamless execution of the chosen software development approaches, driving your project to success.

Do you have a project in mind?

AI development services


Timspark Talks: What Brings Thriving Client Relationships, Leadership, and Trust

Timspark Talks: What Brings Thriving Client Relationships, Leadership, and Trust

We are excited to roll out a new episode of ‘Timspark Talks’, the project where we share insights from our team players.

In this episode, we feature Julietta Kasparova, our dynamic Relationship Manager, who cultivates our client relationships with the same dedication and care as a gardener nurturing their blooms.

What’s special in this episode?

By diving into Julietta’s vision, you can gain a deeper understanding of how effective relationship management and sales strategies can drive business growth and client satisfaction. Also, these tips can be applied in various professional contexts.

What’s in the video?

00:00:00 — 00:00:35
Discover how to keep client relationships thriving. Julietta’s approach to relationship management ensures that our clients always feel valued and supported, leading to long-term partnerships and success.

00:00:35 — 00:01:22
Leadership insights
Learn about the qualities that foster harmony and innovation in our team. Julietta’s empathetic and collaborative leadership style helps create an environment where every team member feels heard and empowered to contribute their best work.

00:01:22 — 00:01:53
Teamwork in action
See our unique approach to teamwork, where every member’s talent shines. Julietta plays a crucial role in coordinating efforts between different departments, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.

00:01:54 — 00:02:45
The role of trust
Understand why trust is the foundation of our software development success. Julietta emphasizes the importance of trust in building strong, effective teams and delivering high-quality results for our clients.


Discover more insights from Timspark team players on our values, approach, and company’s highlights on our dedicated channel.

About Timspark

Timspark is at the forefront of software development, renowned for rapidly deploying skilled engineering talent. We specialize not just in staffing, but in curating and nurturing expert teams capable of addressing the diverse IT challenges of our clients.

Our approach combines the agility and speed of mobilizing top-tier resources with a deep expertise in team composition, ensuring each project is met with a tailored, effective, and innovative solution.

Want to learn more about our expertise?

AI development services

Innovative Strategies, Milestones, and Client Success: Timspark’s Journey in Software Development

Innovative Strategies, Milestones, and Client Success: Timspark’s Journey in Software Development

Founded in 2022, Timspark brings vibrant, pioneering energy to software development. The company specializes in deploying skilled engineering talent, which is marked by exceptional flexibility and speed.

TopDevelopers featured Timspark in an article where Timspark’s Co-founder, Sergey Orlov shared the story about the company’s formation, progress, prospects, and its products.

About TopDevelopers is a go-to directory for IT service providers. Their curated list of tech companies is evaluated through thorough research and analysis on industry-specific benchmarks, ensuring businesses find their perfect tech partner. 


How Timspark started

Timspark was established with a zeal for overcoming challenges, a relentless pursuit of excellence, and an unwavering commitment to adapting to a constantly evolving environment. The name ‘Timspark’ represents the drive that fuels talented engineers and teams, propelling them toward achievement. It also signifies the supportive environment we foster, where professionals evolve into skilled teams and mature into industry leaders.

The company’s business model revolves around staff augmentation and dedicated teams. Additionally, the founders wanted to take it further and introduced the concept of ‘Core Teams’—small groups of 2 to 5 experienced professionals with deep expertise in specific technology and business areas. With this approach, Timspark aims to revolutionize software development globally, motivating engineers to achieve exceptional results with an in-house-like level of commitment.

Timspark’s achievements

Since its founding, Timspark has reached several significant milestones that highlight our dedication to innovation and excellence in software development. Some of our most noteworthy achievements include:

Launch of AI-enhanced products: The company has developed and launched a variety of AI-driven solutions that have significantly impacted multiple industries, showcasing our expertise in cutting-edge technology.

Growth of global clientele: Timspark’s customer base has expanded internationally, with happy clients from diverse sectors benefiting from our tailored software solutions.

Engagement and nurturing of Dedicated Teams: The company has engaged and nurtured over 30 dedicated teams of experienced specialists with experience and a strong grasp of business and technical fields. The company uses various practices to build teams of highly motivated, galvanized aspiring engineers who do much more than just code and deploy. 

As Sergey Orlov highlighted, Timspark’s flexibility in engagement models ensures they can tailor services to perfectly align with clients’ business needs. Whether it’s a short-term project or a long-term collaboration, the company adapts to deliver maximum value.

Timspark x Top Developers_review

Know-how in app development

Timspark has a tried-and-true process of working with the clients’ demands. When the company receives a request from the customer, we involve a technical pre-sales expert to reveal the customer’s needs and propose the most suitable solution. For enterprise projects, there is typically a discovery phase where key requirements are outlined, and a high-level architecture is designed. These steps help to choose the right technology stack. Additionally, Timspark’s specialists help our customers define the monetization approach (or ROI strategy) from a business and technical perspective.

A project manager is assigned to each project. This professional collaborates with the client to plan the project schedule and approve milestones and deliverables. As the project progresses, the manager systematically tracks the project plan to ensure tasks are completed on time and, if not, analyzes the reasons for any delays. For long-term projects, we use various KPIs, such as schedule adherence, accuracy of estimate variance, and budget compliance.

Transparency and communication are key to achieving client satisfaction. Timspark’s professionals always aim to stay aligned with the customers, allowing them to monitor project progress at any time. At the end of each sprint, the development team delivers a product increment to the customer and collects feedback. This helps quickly identify any discrepancies between the developed product and customer expectations, fostering mutual trust.


An approach that fosters client success

According to Sergey, taking a business to the next level demands a thorough grasp of its complexities.

That is why Timspark engages a seasoned business analyst who specializes in the industry to conduct a detailed requirements analysis. The company’s experts don’t just document project needs; they propose solutions that are tailored to the client’s needs. 

Yet, effective software design is only half the battle. The remaining 50% is made up of mature development processes and the use of the latest technologies, like Artificial Intelligence (AI). For each project, mature professionals with relevant technical and business expertise are engaged. They can build your project from the ground up or bolster your in-house team with specific skills.

For more details and thoughts on the current processes in the industry you can also go through this detailed interview on TopDevelopers.

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Quick Turnaround and Seamless Integration: iOS SDK Development for a Telecommunications Company

Quick Turnaround and Seamless Integration: iOS SDK Development for a Telecommunications Company

As Timspark excels in mobile app development and consulting, we are always enthusiastic about accomplishing projects in the field.

Recently, Timspark was chosen by a telecommunications company specializing in video streaming quality assessments for providers. Our client needed to finalize their iOS SDK with the missing features. We successfully delivered the project based on the client’s requirements and specifications, earning a new 5-star review on Clutch.

SDK development

Timspark’s task was to complete this development, leveraging the existing code base to implement the missing functionalities and meet the specified requirements.

We swiftly assigned the iOS developer to the project to avoid implementation delays. Given the project’s small scope and clear requirements, formal project management was minimal. The client was impressed with the developer’s seamless onboarding process and strong communication skills.

Key deliverables included:

  • An analytics library compatible with AVPlayer;
  • A demo application showcasing the library’s integration;
  • Auto-generated documentation derived from the code.

Timspark’s expertise and dedication ensure the client’s satisfaction, highlighting their proficiency in software development services. Discover more of our successful projects on our Clutch profile.

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