Let’s build something great together

     Cybersecurity Services

    Our expert team stands ready to safeguard your digital fortress. Shield your business from cyber threats, protect sensitive data, and ensure uninterrupted operations.

    Let’s build something great together

      Security services we provide

      Discover tailored solutions from Timspark designed to keep your operations safe and resilient. Your security is our priority.

      Cybersecurity testing

      To expose software vulnerabilities, our experts replicate malicious activities, assess the application’s responses, and deliver guidance on rectifying weak points.

      Mobile application security

      We design, deploy, and validate cybersecurity measures integrated into our mobile solutions. Our clients receive deployment-ready solutions proven to withstand malicious attacks.

      Data protection

      Our engineers leverage tools and procedures for data encryption, backup, and access control to prevent their compromise, corruption, or loss.

      DevSecOps implementation

      Our software engineers incorporate development, security, and operational best practices, ensuring secure solutions at every software development phase.

      Security assessment

      Our specialists examine and assess the current security management practices within your project, along with the technical components supporting these operations, including software and hardware.

      Cloud security

      We design, deploy, and validate cybersecurity measures integrated into our mobile solutions. Our clients receive deployment-ready solutions proven to withstand malicious attacks.

      Risk management

      Our cybersecurity experts pinpoint project vulnerabilities and associated risks to devise optimal mitigation strategies.

      Managed security services

      As a managed security services provider, Timspark oversees projects, implementing best practices encompassing software, hardware, and processes.

      Compliance assessment

      Our professionals scrutinize all implemented standards and processes and verify their alignment with regulatory prerequisites, such as third-party standards and legal mandates.

      SIEM services

      Our engineers assist businesses in the implementation and management of information security and solutions for event management.

      Backup and disaster recovery

      To safeguard against data corruption or loss, our cybersecurity engineers institute protocols and software for creating and restoring data backups.

      Cybersecurity consulting

      We provide personalized consulting services based on our experts’ extensive field experience, considering each client’s capabilities and objectives.

      Choose Timspark as a managed security services provider

      Let’s build something great together

        Cybersecurity testing

        In our cybersecurity testing services, we act as digital detectives, systematically evaluating your systems and networks to uncover vulnerabilities with a set of tried-and-true measures. 

        Vulnerability assessment
        • We identify vulnerabilities by scanning:
          – network
          – applications
          – databases
        Penetration testing
        • We endeavor to uncover security flaws and breach the system through real-world attacks in:- internal networks
          – publicly accessible systems
          – remote access infrastructure
        • Our specialists scrutinize the applications’ security on a code level:
          – perform vulnerability detection
          – execute compliance assurance
          – do code enhancement
          – mitigate risks
        • Our security experts validate the resilience of the system, from the entire IT infrastructure to key servers by executing:
          – traffic profiling
          – attack simulation
          – mitigation assessment

        Security assessment

        Risk management

        Incident response

        Security assurance

        Supply chain management

        User cyber resilience

        Compliance management

        How we do it

        Security audit

        • Technology controls (secure configurations of hardware and software, preventive and detective tools);
        • Process controls (security monitoring, incident response, and disaster recovery);
        • People controls (cyber resilience of the staff).

        Social engineering testing

        We assess employees’ resistance to social engineering threats by simulating:

        • Massive phishing;
        • Targeted email fraud (often targeted at employees with access to sensitive data);
        • C-level email deception;
        • Manipulative phone calls;
        • Deceptive text messages.

        Cyber risk assessment

        To assess cybersecurity threats, we:

        • Specify the risks associated with the identified weaknesses (data breaches, malware spread, unauthorized account access);
        • Uncover weaknesses in policies and protocols, the environment, and human conduct;
        • Evaluate the probability and gravity of potential outcomes.

        Compliance assessment

        Our specialists review all the established benchmarks and procedures in the company to determine how they align with regulatory mandates such as third-party criteria and legal requirements. As a result, our clients get step-by-step guidance on meeting the particular criteria for obtaining particular certifications.

        PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

        for projects that utilize payment systems

        HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

        for healthcare projects

        SOC 2 (Second revision of System and Organization Controls)

        for businesses working with the American market

        GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

        for businesses working with European users’ data

        ISO 27001

        for information security management systems

        ISO 9001

        for quality management systems

        ISO 13485:2016

        for quality management systems in medical hardware projects

        NIST CSF (NIST Security Framework)

        for risk management

        Cybersecurity services we provide

        Mobile application security

        We create, integrate, and validate cybersecurity safeguards embedded within the mobile solutions we develop. We merge static application security testing (SAST) with dynamic application security testing (DAST) to identify and remedy a wide range of application security weaknesses, encompassing the most common vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP Top 10.

        Cloud security

        When it comes to delivering cloud solutions to global businesses, our focus is on guaranteeing their resilience against attacks. Our cybersecurity advisors assist companies in establishing secure cloud ecosystems that facilitate robust business operations, corporate collaboration, and the management of content and data.

        Secure cloud architecture

        We architect secure cloud structures across various deployment models (public, private, hybrid, multi cloud). Employing best practices for cloud services, we guarantee the security of network elements, endpoints, and connections within cloud ecosystems.

        Cloud data protection

        We mitigate security-related risks of cloud data storage, exchange and governance. Data loss prevention, encryption, data access management, and data monitoring are at the center of our data security services.

        SIEM services

        Our engineers assist businesses in implementing and managing information security and event management solutions. With our help, project teams detect threats, assess compliance, and manage incidents swiftly and effectively.

        Data protection

        Timspark assists businesses with implementing processes and solutions that prevent data from being compromised, corrupted, or lost. Our engineers implement the latest proven tools and procedures for data encryption, backup, and access distribution.

        Risk management

        Our cybersecurity specialists pinpoint the weaknesses within the project and the associated risks, striving to determine the most effective strategies for mitigating them. We comprehensively examine each project, diligently identifying all potential issues.

        Backup and disaster recovery

        To safeguard data from potential corruption or loss, our cybersecurity professionals put in place protocols and software for generating data backups and recovering them as needed.

        DevSecOps implementation

        Our software developers employ development, security, and operational methodologies to guarantee the optimal solutions are integrated throughout every phase of software development. Enterprises receive a fully fortified project prepared for launch as the end result.

        Managed security services

        Timspask is an experienced security solutions provider. We adeptly oversee projects and incorporate top-notch approaches encompassing software, hardware, and procedural aspects. Our clients can have complete confidence that our team comprehensively safeguards their infrastructure from all angles.

        Cybersecurity consulting

        We offer our tailored advisory services for businesses, considering the client's capabilities and objectives. After conducting an evaluation, we develop distinctive recommendations to address all the security and compliance challenges detected.

        IT components our security services cover

        Networks security

        On-premises data centers & data storages

        Web applications

        Cloud app security

        Mobile applications security

        Corporate IT infrastructure security

        Our industry expertise

        Timspark empowers businesses with effective domain-specific security solutions.

        Manufacturing cybersecurity

        Manufacturing cybersecurity

        Logistics & Transportation

        Logistics & Transportation

        E-commerce security

        E-commerce security

        Healthcare cybersecurity

        Healthcare cybersecurity

        Fintech cybersecurity

        Fintech cybersecurity



        Benefits of choosing Timspark as a managed security services provider

        Almost 73% CEOs and founders of IT companies believe cybersecurity measures are indispensable to the company’s success


        Saved time, money and resources


        Prevented reputational damage in the future


        Flexibility and impeccable support in providing services

        Our success stories

        We appreciate your interest in Timspark