Let’s build something great together

    Dedicated Teams

    Experienced. Collaborative. Efficient.
    Working with you to deliver successful software projects from start to finish.  

    When to hire a dedicated development team


    You’re a rapidly growing business

    Extra development resources will reduce the workload from the in-house team, speeding up time-to-market and giving you competetive advantage.


    You have a large-scale project

    Dedicated software engineers are set for a long-term partnership. They will take ownership of the whole development cycle in complex projects over an extended period.


    You run multiple projects

    While your in-house team is busy with one project, a dedicated team can handle another one, without affecting the product’s quality or time-to-market.   


    You need niche expertise

    With a dedicated team, you get access to a pool of experts with specialized skills and domain knowledge readymade to your requirements.

    Tech experts that make up your dedicated team

    • top talents with 10+ years of experience
    • set to deliver end-to-end projects
    • culture-fit and ready to integrate quickly

    Back-end and front-end developers

    Project managers

    QA engineers

    Business analysts

    UX/UI designers

    DevOps engineers

    Available engagement models

    Choose from three engagement models, depending on your business needs. With either of them, you will enjoy superior quality and reach your business goals with top-notch solutions.

    Core teams
    A perfect model to address your unique business needs with maximum efficiency and dedication.
    A typical Core Team is a pre-formed squad of 2-7 seasoned professionals, with a Team Leader, a BA, developers, and in most cases, DevOps as crucial team players. As they all have a deep expertise and are highly motivated, it’s the proven way to reach your aims with maximum success and highest value. If required, the Core Team can be bolstered by additional engineers to create a Project team.
    Dedicated teams
    A cost-effective model for a long-term commitment, with a team assembled specifically for your project.
    After assembling, the developers stay continuously engaged, adding value throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Moreover, the team players have a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for the project’s success.
    Team augmentation
    A scalable solution to supercharge your team with a particular skillset from on-demand specialists.

    Our seasoned engineers can join forces with your in-house team on a short-term or during a busy period, at any stage of the project development. Onboard standalone engineers or hire as many tech specialists as you need to get precisely the skills tailored to changing business needs and optimize resources.

    Let’s build something great together

      Still not sure what engagement model suits you best?

      Let’s build something great together

        Choose a team you need

        Enhance your expertise and technical capabilities, not just your team size. Select seasoned IT talents to build software solutions on time and cost-effectively.


        Team Manager, Team Lead AI/ML, Senior Data Engineer

        Let’s build something great together


          Team Manager, Business Analyst, Tech Lead Fullstack, Senior Developer Fullstack

          Let’s build something great together


            Team Manager, Business Analyst, Team Lead iOS

            Let’s build something great together

              How to hire

              a dedicated team

              We make the process of hiring a dedicated software development team an easy streamlined journey. We save your time by providing a pre-built squad with appropriate niche skills, ready to engage in your project and start performing.

              Discovering your needs

              We start with a thorough consultation via a call, where you tell us more about your business requirements, success criteria, timescale, budget and required skill set.

              Selecting the right team

              As we get a clear understanding of your needs, we hand-pick a dedicated team of developers from our internal talents pool, you get acquainted and wintess their expertise. Team composition varies from project to project.

              Onboarding the dedicated team

              Following the contract signings, you onboard the new specialists. We also offer support throughout the whole onboarding phase so that our engineers integrate effortlessly with your internal processes.

              Performing and tracking

              The onboarded dedicated engineering team starts performing and maximizing the value for your business. We keep clear communication ever after.

              Our success stories

              What sets our dedicated teams apart

              At Timspark, we craft software that turns complex business challenges into competitive advantages. Here is why clients choose us:

              Engineering excellence

              30+ dedicated teams are driven not just to meet, but to exceed expectations with solutions that are both elegant and robust.

              Strategic insight

              We delve deep into your business needs, aligning our tech expertise with your long-term goals.

              Swift delivery

              With Timspark, agility meets precision, ensuring faster go-to-market without compromising quality.

              Cost-effective solutions

              Fast and consistent delivery helps us avoid roadblocks and additional costs in the development process and bring the maximum value possible.


              Do you still have doubts that staff augmentation service is the answer?

              Here are the most frequent concerns unveiled.

              What is a dedicated software development team?

              A dedicated team is a cohesive group of experts assigned to work on a specific project for an extended period. They are typically committed to ongoing collaboration and take ownership of the entire development lifecycle.

              What possible challenges may arise with a dedicated team?

              • May not be suitable for small projects with a fixed scope
              • Communication and cultural barriers
              • Dependency on the team performance and skills, as they own the entire development cycle

              Lack of adaptability to your project requirements or technology stack

              Yet, if your vendor is well-experienced in nurturing and onboarding of dedicated teams, these challenges can be easily worked out or rather not even arise. Timspark selects and nurtures professional teams so that they can integrate seamlessly and start performing from day one.

              How to manage a dedicated software development team?

              To optimize your remote development team's efficiency, you need a project management strategy.

              • Promote clear communication, define roles, and set clear achievable goals
              • Use agile methods for adaptability, provide tools, and encourage innovation.
              • Cultivate a positive culture through team-building, monitor performance, and give detailed feedback.
              • Involve dedicated specialists in the planning and execution of the project and give them ownership and accountability for their tasks.

              Timspark teams are highly professional and adaptable, yet we will assist you with onboarding so that your dedicated software developers can integrate with your in-house processes as fast as possible.

              How to choose a dedicated development team?

              1. Clearly define your project, vision, and expectations.
                Specify the project's scope quality standards and testing procedures. As dedicated software developers are not your in-house team, they still have no knowledge of your processes or company culture. If you are going to develop a product like a web or mobile application, define the user requirements, as well.

                2. Research the market and choose a vendor.
                Look for a company with a proven track record of successfully implemented projects and verified expertise. At the discovery phase, discuss your expectations, project scope, and requirements, and then clearly define them in the contract.

                3. Hire a dedicated team.
                After choosing the vendor and signing a contract, assembling and hiring the development team begins. Team composition varies from project to project. The vendor will assist you in hiring and sourcing talents from their internal pool of specialists. For you as the business owner, it's critical to be as engaged as possible at this stage. It's worth considering that everyone agrees on which tools the team and you, as the product owner, will be using for reporting and tracking. However, the professional development teams, like those at Timspark, can work with your existing tools and development methodology and seamlessly integrate into your established internal process.

              We appreciate your interest in Timspark