Bus fleet management software: 95% accuracy in real-time bus fleet tracking


Bus Fleet Management Software: 95% Accuracy in Real-Time Bus Fleet Tracking

The team created an interactive dashboard for a bus fleet management software, improving the accuracy of bus timetables and passenger counts.





A leading bus operator distinguished for its extensive array of transportation services, particularly in Europe.

*We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

Project in numbers


14 months


5 specialists

The team involved in the project




GPS tracking software


Python, Flask, Pandas, Azure SQL, Microsoft Azure, Power BI, Apache, Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana

1 x Full-stack developer

1 x BI developer

1 x Data analyst

1 x Project manager

1 x QA engineer


Improve the overall performance and user experience of the bus fleet management software


Implement tracking of bus movement and resource allocation

Update the dashboard to achieve data accuracy

Make the user interface more intuitive

Solution & functionality

The team developed an advanced interactive dashboard system for the bus fleet GPS tracking with a user-friendly interface and focus on precise real-time data tracking.

Interactive dashboard with GPS tracking and alerts

Our team created a dynamic dashboard using data from IoT sensors, integrated with an Azure SQL database. Due to their ability to process and manage large datasets, the dashboard allows real-time tracking of buses and sending timely updates on bus positions, arrival times, any delays or schedule deviations, as well as passenger numbers.

Enhanced data accuracy

The system is designed to handle and analyze complex datasets, making predictions and assessments. The predictive algorithms evaluate past and current traffic data to recommend optimal routes and assess trends in passenger numbers. Through analysis of traffic patterns, weather conditions, and previous delays, the system foresees potential disruptions for planning. Altogether, these features help refine the transport schedules and bus frequencies, helping to reduce expenses and nurturing clients’ loyalty.

Viewer and administrator roles

The dashboard holds distinct user roles to accommodate diverse levels of engagement and operational requirements.

Viewer role

With the viewer role, users can access an interactive map with current bus positions, route status, and estimated arrival times in real-time, and a flexible analytics dashboard giving predictions about possible disruptions, allowing for route and scheduling adjustments and sharing reports.

Administrator role

Users with the administrator role have full control and supervision over the dashboard’s configurations and processes with data. They can customize the dashboard’s interface and features to evolving requirements and manage user access levels.

Results and business value

The new interactive dashboard for the bus fleet management software contributed to a more efficient, timely, and reliable transport service.


faster data analysis


reduction in operational delays


accuracy in arrival and departure time tracking

Benefits for client

With implementation of a dashboard system and a user-friendly interface the bus arrival and departure times reached near-perfect accuracy, reducing wait times for passengers. Better operational performance and customer satisfaction was the ultimate goal of the client.

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    IIoT platform for a manufacturing company: 20-30% boost in productivity


    IIoT Platform for a Manufacturing Company: 20-30% Boost in Productivity

    The client turned to Timspark for IoT application development from scratch. Our team was supposed to build a smart web platform that would contribute to the whole production management ecosystem in one of the client’s factories, optimize its working processes, and improve productivity.


    The client is a large manufacturing enterprise in the EU, producing machine equipment for numerous partners worldwide.
    *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

    Project in numbers

    2020 — ongoing
    10 specialists

    The team involved in the project

    Industrial IoT platform
    C#, ASP. NET MVC, .NET Core 3, .Net 5, Web API, JavaScript, JQuery, TypeScript, Azure

    4 x Full-stack developers

    2 x QA engineers

    1 x UI/UX designer

    1 x Project manager

    1 x Solution architect

    1 x DevOps engineer


    Create an IoT monitoring platform that would manage all processes at the enterprise by gathering, analyzing, storing, and processing data.

    Related objectives

    Build a smart factory application
    Implement ML algorithms
    Increase the client’s production efficiency

    Solution & functionality

    The team built an IoT monitoring platform with several operational modules that help oversee processes and operations within the client’s enterprise.

    Predictive maintenance module

    Every piece of equipment is equipped with various sensors. They continuously monitor and transmit real-time data regarding the machinery’s temperature and vibration levels. The application sends notifications to operators on any unusual temperature rise, preventing automatic shutdowns. Afterwards, algorithms scrutinize the maintenance history and suggest an out-of-schedule maintenance check.

    Environmental control module

    Sensors identify diverse factors that influence the well-being and security of the factory workforce. Among them are humidity, temperature, and noise intensity. Additionally, the application supervises air quality and emission levels in industrial spaces. If these standards go over the limit, the system alerts operators and provides algorithms to address the issue.

    Manufacturing effectiveness module

    The platform gathers data from sensors for every production division and machine and analyzes their OEE (overall equipment effectiveness). Users can see what critical factors influence OEE levels, detect potential issues, and resolve them. What is crucial is that the application collects performance metrics over a specified timeframe and helps operators see how key indicators progress.

    Quality assurance module

    With the IIoT platform, users can monitor the quantity and quality of components produced during one shift or any specified period. Also, they can have access to comprehensive details about each item, like production line, the count of rejected pieces, statistics, and more. Leveraging this information, system operators can spot production trends and the reasons behind elevated scrap rates and implement suitable measures to enhance the quality performance metrics.

    Results and business value

    Timspark has leveraged IoT for manufacturing and delivered a web application that monitors all the production processes, thus enhancing efficiency and mitigating risks. Also, our team provided maintenance and support services for the IIot platform they built. The client is eager to introduce new features and scale IoT for enterprise by applying it to other facilities.

    Higher productivity

    Streamlined processes and management

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      Healthcare data management software

      Healthcare Data Management: Cut 40% of everyday tasks in 4 months

      We’ve developed a healthcare data management software that makes it a breeze to gather and manage patient data.





      A European company, supplying healthcare data management software with operations in multiple centers throughout the EU.

      *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

      Project in numbers


      4 months


      17 specialists

      Team involved in the project




      Healthcare Data Management Software


      Python, Typescript, Kubernetes, AWS, Power BI, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

      1 x Team Lead

      1 x Project Manager

      1 x Business Analyst

      3 x Backend Developers

      2 x Frontend Developers

      3 x Data Engineers

      2 x ML Engineers

      2 x BI Developers

      1 x QA Engineer

      1 x AQA Engineer


      The client sought to enhance healthcare provider data management processes, demanding seamless integration, easy patient record access, and strict data protection compliance.

      Related objectives

      Evaluate the current data flow design

      Overhaul the data flow completely

      Automate routine tasks

      Design a secure, high-functionality solution

      Solution & functionality

      We crafted an architecture and data flow for the healthcare provider data management, empowering the client’s staff to gather, analyze, and use patient data for tasks like assessing treatment outcomes and sharing essential information with insurance companies.


      Our healthcare data management software relies on Amazon Web Services as it’s secure, flexible, scalable, and cost-effective.

      Client staff input patient data in various formats, like images, videos, and text, which are sent to AWS and stored in a data lake. This data encompasses medical test results, appointment timestamps, and multimedia files from MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds, and more.

      Extract, transform, load (ETL) pipelines

      We’ve devised and enacted ETL pipelines to automatically consolidate data fragments from client employees into cloud storage.

      Data warehouse & data lake

      All data gathered through ETL pipelines is funneled via Apache Airflow into the data lake for refinement. After refinement, it’s forwarded to the data warehouse, serving various functions, including patient treatment consultation, efficacy evaluation, in-depth data analysis, and furnishing necessary information to insurance institutions.

      Access control

      The healthcare data management software safeguards sensitive data with a smart access control system. This system checks employee statuses from the client’s database, granting access to patient data solely to the specialists working with the patient. Exceptions are made for substitutes during healthcare worker absences.

      When data sharing is necessary, like for medical consultations or insurance requests, employees can request permission, and the healthcare data management software automatically facilitates secure data sharing, preventing accidental or intentional inclusion of extra information.

      Results and business value

      We’ve built a healthcare data management software that empowers workers to efficiently collect, store, and manage patient data, ensuring robust security measures to prevent leaks. Our software engineers have automated mundane processes and optimized healthcare provider data management for maximum efficiency.

      MVP launched in 4 months

      This application keeps over 1.5M active and 8M passive users secure on a daily basis.

      40% of dull tasks automated

      The client highly praised our development team of Android, iOS, and QA engineers for their technical expertise and communication.

      The healthcare data management software allows workers to concentrate on essential tasks instead of dealing with error-prone data flow management. Healthcare provider data management is aligned with government regulations and designed with the latest business intelligence expertise.

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        Mobile app for document and data security harnessing blockchain technology

        Mobile security app

        Mobile App Data Security: Harnessing Blockchain Technology for Secure Document Management

        The team developed a document and data management mobile app on iOS and Android platforms for a large blockchain technology company.





        A leading blockchain technology company that has offered innovative solutions for businesses of all sizes since 2017. While they were managing the back-end development, the company assigned front-end development to our team that had the necessary expertise.

        *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

        Project in numbers


        2019 – Ongoing

        now supporting and updating the product


        7 specialists

        Team involved in the project




        Mobile app for document management


        1 x Project Manager

        4 x Frontend Developers

        1 x UI/UX Designer

        1 x QA Engineer 


        The main objective is to launch a tool for reliable storage and verification of documents being stored within a blockchain system.

        Related objectives

        Establish workflow with client’s back-end team

        Define milestones and roadblocks in the delivery process

        Implement several services in both iOS and Android

        Solution & functionality

        Our professionals enhanced the client’s in-house team from the front-end development side. Together we launched an efficient solution on iOS and Android platforms for secure document management.

        Generation of new files

        Verification with a digital signature

        Uploading different file formats

        Validation and timestamping

        Sharing with ID-tags


        Results and business value

        The collaboration of client’s and our teams resulted in a convenient mobile app for managing documents and data through blockchain technology. The final product offers swift, user-friendly remote document sharing and effective data validation.

        Active users

        Passive users

        Customer satisfaction

        Benefits for client

        The client side of the application developed by our team received exceptional feedback from both end users and the client, resulting in complete customer satisfaction. The application is available on Google Play and App Store. Users can get Premium access with all functionality with usual payment methods and cryptocurrency.

        We work closely with the client collaborating on various other projects. Furthermore, we are actively enhancing the mobile application’s functionality and updating the solution architecture to meet evolving requirements.

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          Mobile Data Security Software for Telecom Provider

          Mobile security app

          Mobile Data Security Software for a Telecom Provider with 9.5M Users

          As a part of a global team, our talented engineers built iOS and Android mobile security apps for a prominent US telecom giant.





          A worldwide cybersecurity software leader, delivering cloud endpoint security for major enterprises while safeguarding data and ensuring regulatory compliance.

          *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

          Project in numbers


          2021 – Present


          7 specialists

          Team involved in the project


          Cybersecurity, Telecom


          Mobile Security Application


          Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Android tools, Java, Jenkins, AWS

          3 x iOS Developers

          3 x Android Developers

          1 x QA Automation Engineer  


          Our client teamed up with a US telecom giant to build high-quality mobile data security software. Timspark led the international development team, enhancing an existing app with new features, a fresh design, data analytics, and an in-app subscription system.

          Related objectives

          Develop a mobile security app

          Improve data protection

          Upgrade app features and analytics

          Solution & functionality

          We played a key role in developing iOS and Android mobile security apps for a major US telecom and mobile services provider.

          Must-have mobile security app kit

          The app assesses device vulnerabilities, monitors network threats, and offers expert security recommendations. It proactively defends against hackers, phishing, and phone number-related vulnerabilities.

          The users stay informed with daily alerts and manage mobile traffic using a built-in VPN. All this with secure call recording and spam call blocking for a seamless mobile experience.

          Essential user roles

          The mobile security application accommodates four distinct user roles, each offering varying features and levels of data protection.

          • Users with an end-client SIM card enjoy access to the full array of application features.
          • Users with SIM cards from another provider have restricted capabilities, such as call logging and phone number vulnerability monitoring.
          • Paid subscription users benefit from comprehensive access to the app’s features.
          • Users with no paid subscription are granted restricted access to the functionalities.

          Results and business value

          We successfully developed a feature-rich mobile data security software for both iOS and Android, serving users in the US.

          Over 9.5M users secured

          This application keeps over 1.5M active and 8M passive users secure on a daily basis.

          Exceptional communication

          The client highly praised our development team of Android, iOS, and QA engineers for their technical expertise and communication.

          Future plans

          We still partner with the company to enhance the app’s functionality and provide ongoing support.

          The client reaps the rewards of robust data security for millions of users, a skilled development team, ongoing support, and the potential for cost-effective solutions, all geared toward delivering customer satisfaction and staying agile in dynamic cybersecurity and telecom sectors.

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