Call Center Monitoring Software That Automates 27% of Client Requests


Call Center Monitoring Software That Automates 27% of Client Requests

Timspark crafted a tailored AI-powered call center monitoring software for a major telecom enterprise, seamlessly linking operators and customers within an integrated platform.





The client operates as an internet provider and offers a diverse array of internet services to customers situated across the European Union.

*We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

Project in numbers


13 months


20 specialists

The team involved in the project




AI call center software


React, Redux, Typescript, .Net Core, C#, .Net WebAPI, FluentMigrations, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Windows, Linux, Python

1 x Project manager

2 x Business analysts

2 x Front-end developers

4 x Back-end developers

3 x Full-stack developers

1 x DevOps engineer

1 x VoIP engineer

2 x QA engineers

1 x UI/UX designer

1 x Solutions architect

2 x ML engineers


Our ISP client aimed to enhance customer satisfaction and support by developing custom call center software for improved scheduling. They required seamless integration with their CRM and task-tracking system to help operators quickly access client information and automate issue resolution.

Major objective

Empower customer service interactions with AI

Related objectives

Automate request processing

Build intuitive interface

Ensure security compliance

Smoothly integrate infrastructure

Solution & functionality

Timspark created advanced AI-driven call center monitoring software to direct client calls to appropriate operators through AI-powered voice recognition and request identification. Our solution utilizes a .Net-based microservices architecture for robust back-end implementation, including SIP and soft PBX servers. 

The front end, developed with React and Electron, offers a user-friendly desktop application interface. The system efficiently handles call routing, adhering to predefined regulations, and maintains GDPR compliance throughout its interconnected components to keep operator communication and responses swift.

AI-driven voice recognition and call routing

Our team integrated artificial intelligence into contact center operations to automate client support processes. Interactive voice response, call routing, and smart voice recognition capabilities are now managed by AI. Using modern natural language processing techniques and BERT models, the system engages callers, identifies their requests, and performs tasks like changing tariffs or ordering additional services. 

For complex inquiries, the AI routes call to the appropriate operator or department to provide specialized assistance. Intelligent routing optimizes customer interactions and allows operators to focus on exceptional service delivery and the resolution of complex issues.

Client request cards

Our AI call center software automated card creation and enables operators to access and update client details quickly. When a call is received, the system identifies the client and presents their card with personal information and interaction history. Each card includes an action plan tailored to the request to guide operators through the resolution process with step-by-step instructions.

Call recordings and statistics

The call center monitoring software software securely stores call recordings and provides customizable statistics and tools for analytics. Supervisors can monitor performance metrics, track interactions processed by AI, and optimize team efficiency. This part of call center software features enhances issue resolution and facilitates call operator training through comprehensive call logging and recording.

Automated task setting

Integrated with the company’s task management and CRM systems, our call center monitoring software enables efficient task creation and assignment. Operators can generate tasks from client interactions, transferring all relevant details automatically. Task progress can be tracked within the system to provide supervisors with insights into workload distribution and resolution status.

Results and business value

Our AI call center software boosts task management, optimizes workloads, and streamlines customer support. Its user-friendly interface enables quick responses, while its flexibility promotes collaboration across departments beyond telecom services.

Benefits for client

Timspark’s AI call center software is a significant improvement that has reduced the workload for staff to keep focus on more complex customer issues.


faster customer success


of requests automated

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    IIoT platform for a manufacturing company: 20-30% boost in productivity


    IIoT Platform for a Manufacturing Company: 20-30% Boost in Productivity

    The client turned to Timspark for IoT application development from scratch. Our team was supposed to build a smart web platform that would contribute to the whole production management ecosystem in one of the client’s factories, optimize its working processes, and improve productivity.


    The client is a large manufacturing enterprise in the EU, producing machine equipment for numerous partners worldwide.
    *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

    Project in numbers

    2020 — ongoing
    10 specialists

    The team involved in the project

    Industrial IoT platform
    C#, ASP. NET MVC, .NET Core 3, .Net 5, Web API, JavaScript, JQuery, TypeScript, Azure

    4 x Full-stack developers

    2 x QA engineers

    1 x UI/UX designer

    1 x Project manager

    1 x Solution architect

    1 x DevOps engineer


    Create an IoT monitoring platform that would manage all processes at the enterprise by gathering, analyzing, storing, and processing data.

    Related objectives

    Build a smart factory application
    Implement ML algorithms
    Increase the client’s production efficiency

    Solution & functionality

    The team built an IoT monitoring platform with several operational modules that help oversee processes and operations within the client’s enterprise.

    Predictive maintenance module

    Every piece of equipment is equipped with various sensors. They continuously monitor and transmit real-time data regarding the machinery’s temperature and vibration levels. The application sends notifications to operators on any unusual temperature rise, preventing automatic shutdowns. Afterwards, algorithms scrutinize the maintenance history and suggest an out-of-schedule maintenance check.

    Environmental control module

    Sensors identify diverse factors that influence the well-being and security of the factory workforce. Among them are humidity, temperature, and noise intensity. Additionally, the application supervises air quality and emission levels in industrial spaces. If these standards go over the limit, the system alerts operators and provides algorithms to address the issue.

    Manufacturing effectiveness module

    The platform gathers data from sensors for every production division and machine and analyzes their OEE (overall equipment effectiveness). Users can see what critical factors influence OEE levels, detect potential issues, and resolve them. What is crucial is that the application collects performance metrics over a specified timeframe and helps operators see how key indicators progress.

    Quality assurance module

    With the IIoT platform, users can monitor the quantity and quality of components produced during one shift or any specified period. Also, they can have access to comprehensive details about each item, like production line, the count of rejected pieces, statistics, and more. Leveraging this information, system operators can spot production trends and the reasons behind elevated scrap rates and implement suitable measures to enhance the quality performance metrics.

    Results and business value

    Timspark has leveraged IoT for manufacturing and delivered a web application that monitors all the production processes, thus enhancing efficiency and mitigating risks. Also, our team provided maintenance and support services for the IIot platform they built. The client is eager to introduce new features and scale IoT for enterprise by applying it to other facilities.

    Higher productivity

    Streamlined processes and management

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      Clinical Trial Data Management Platform: Modernized System and Enhanced Performance

      Clinical Data Management

      Clinical Trial Data Management Platform: Modernized System and Enhanced Performance

      Timspark migrated a clinical data management system populated with health and research records from the cloud to a new code-based platform. We revamped the platform’s architecture and handled ongoing support for the solution.




      The client is a global leader in developing pioneering healthtech solutions focused on driving innovative data management in clinical trials and the industry as a whole.

      *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

      Project in numbers

      Ongoing since 2016
      3 specialists

      The team involved in the project

      Clinical Trial Data Management Platform
      Azure, JavaScript, JQuery, Net 4.6
      3 x Full-stack Developers


      The main goal was to upgrade the outdated platform, turning the traditional e-data fetching solution into advanced software for clinical trial data management. Additionally, the client aimed to bolster the clinical data management software’s security capabilities by introducing HIPAA and GDPR compliance features.

      Related objectives

      System modernization
      Clinical data management upgrade
      Security and compliance improvement

      Solution & functionality

      Timspark revitalized the customer’s outdated clinical trial data management software by modernizing the solution’s architecture to eliminate technical debt, introducing new features, and transitioning to a new code platform.

      Data collection

      The primary function of the clinical data management system is to gather data concerning clinical trials for subsequent integration, management, analysis, and finding correlations. This solution supports the entire research process cycle and offers users advanced reporting capabilities.

      Data management

      The data-centric software for clinical trials is tailored for diverse medical organizations, aiming to digitize their internal processes. These organizations encompass medical labs, medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical and biotech institutions, and contract research organizations (CROs).

      Results and business value

      After completing the project’s active phase, involving an update to the solution architecture, code migration, and expansion of functional capabilities, the old platform has evolved into cutting-edge clinical data management software. It is entirely HIPAA- and GDPR-compliant.

      Higher performance

      We’ve enhanced the system’s performance, stability, and usability, elevating its appeal for data management in clinical trials across the market.

      Long-term vision

      Given the resounding success during our collaboration in the active project phase, our IT specialists seamlessly transitioned to providing long-term support for the solution.

      Benefits for client

      The client highlighted the exceptional skills of our full-stack developers. The company has finally found a partner that is both technically and regulatory savvy, as well as a good communicator.

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