Enhancing Healthcare with 3D Medical Imaging Integration


3D Medical Imaging Software Development

Our team built a 3D medical imaging software for reconstruction of bones, skin, and various organs from X-rays and CT scans implementing machine learning.





A healthcare technology firm producing advanced devices and software that support healthcare professionals in their everyday tasks.

*We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

Project in numbers


Ongoing project


12 specialists

Team involved in the project






Python, FastAPI, PyQt, JavaScript, React, MS SQL Server, Weights and Biases, MLFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, ONNXRuntime, PyDICOM, Albumentations, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda), AWS SageMaker (Studio, Model Monitoring, Inference endpoint), Qase, Postman, Swagger, TestFlight, Arduino, Thonny


2 x Front-end developers

2 x Back-end developers

1 x Project manager

4 x ML engineers

2 x QA specialists

1 x UX/UI Designer


Develop an ML-based tool that could do 3D medical imaging of bones, skin, and other body parts by converting flat scans into three-dimensional volumetric models from X-rays and CT scans.

Solution & functionality

We integrated medical imaging analysis into the customer’s system, ensuring compatibility with X-rays and CT scans from radiology, cardiology, and other labs. As a result, all the 3D medical images can be accessed across hospital workstations and personal laptops.

3D rendering for X-rays and CT scans

Conversion of black-and-white images into 3D medical models takes just a few clicks. Once the X-ray or CT scan is uploaded, clinicians can set threshold attenuation values to define 3D detail, and let the platform scan each piece and create voxels reconstructing denser body fragments. This results in volumetric 3D medical images.

After rendering, clinicians can use a toolbar to manage objects: zoom in/out, add/remove skin, tissue, muscles, bones, and cut away excess parts. The primary tool, a cube, allows the image rotation for a more accurate view of the pathology.

Compatibility and security for DICOM files

Initially, we made sure that the web platform effortlessly works with DICOM files, the standard format for medical imaging management. Next, we enhanced security to safeguard the confidential health information they carry.

Our developers built a secure space to store imported DICOM files, encompassing patient details, diagnoses, treatments, dates, and test results.

ROI manager for highlighting pathologies

Our team developed an advanced ROI manager for highlighting pathology. Doctors can easily identify and outline tumors in 3D reconstructions, and measure lesion sizes for informed surgical decisions.

For precise segmentation, our developers set thresholds, pixel values, and previews. This allows for detailed 3D customization in form of reports with anatomical annotations and organ distance measurements helping more accurate surgical planning. In addition, practitioners can export and share 3D images based on the user access.

Results and business value

The 3D rendering platform allows professionals to monitor organs, evaluate tissue composition, assess fractures and thus diagnose diseases accurately. The platform generates detailed 3D medical imaging models and reports with anatomical annotations, as well as measures tumors, pathologies, and distances between organs for precise and effective surgical planning.


faster pre-operational preparation


more accurate diagnoses

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    Travel Management Software That Automated 83% of Bookings

    Travel Booking Software for Automated Bookings

    Travel Management Software That Automated 83% of Bookings

    Timspark has crafted a comprehensive mobile and web application to streamline the process of finding and reserving accommodations at ski resorts across the globe. The travel booking software is enhanced with a 24/7 support system and features an intelligent bot that efficiently routes user inquiries for prompt assistance.




    Our client operates a global online travel agency dedicated to assisting customers in planning unforgettable holidays at the world’s premier ski resorts.

    *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

    Project in numbers

    14 months
    21 specialists

    The team involved in the project

    HoReCa, Travel
    Software for hotel booking
    Java, REST, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Kubernetes, React, TypeScript, Redux, Material UI, Android, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, SwiftUI, Python

    1 x Project Manager

    1 x Business Analyst
    1 x UX/UI Designer
    4 x Front-end Developers
    4 x Back-end Developers
    2 x Data Engineers
    2 x Machine Learning Engineers
    4 x Mobile Developers
    2 x QA Engineers


    The client needed unified B2C travel management booking software for easy resort search, booking, and comparison. It also needed an up-to-date, responsive system for resort information, pricing, streamlined booking, flexible payments, and real-time availability.


    Develop a powerful travel booking software with an integrated booking engine
    Automate bookings
    Implement smart pricing
    Boost revenue

    Solution & functionality

    Our team developed custom hotel booking software with supplier integrations, booking process management, and customizable search rules. We also created a secure back-office ecosystem and a B2C travel booking platform with user profiles and resort details. For customer support, we implemented a dedicated service and service bot. Additionally, we launched a mobile app for Android and iOS.

    Price adjustment system and supplier management

    Our travel management booking software includes critical components like a price adjustment system and supplier management. It allows online travel agencies (OTAs) to access real-time information via APIs and directly links with ski resorts’ property management systems for timely updates.

    The software also features price tracking and adjustment, dynamically altering commissions based on factors like seasonal trends and competitor pricing. An integrated machine-learning algorithm suggests personalized accommodations based on users’ past preferences.

    Smart recommendations and booking flow tracking

    The travel booking software provides tools for defining resort search parameters and allows agency staff to modify them as needed swiftly. Travelers can specify their resort searches based on: Date, Price, Location, Resort size, Ski slope difficulty, Guest ratings, Room availability, Amenities, Catering options, Ski training availability, Popularity score.

    This customization lets the agency quickly adjust search criteria and maintain a competitive edge with unique offers and prices that reflect the latest tourism trends.

    Booking and payment simplification

    Our B2C travel management booking software streamlines the comparison of search results from different sources to prevent duplicate listings. The booking tracking system facilitates effortless room reservations at ski resorts, supporting immediate bookings or holds with just a few clicks.

    The platform’s API messaging system instantly forwards booking requests to service providers and guides users through the payment process. It supports various payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and WebMoney. This comprehensive setup ensures a frictionless booking experience for users and enhances satisfaction and loyalty.

    Results and business value

    Drawing on our expertise, we crafted a dynamic app for seamless bookings at top ski resorts worldwide. Integrating advanced features like pricing recommendations and intelligent support, it streamlines agency operations and ensures competitive pricing and efficient management.


    of all bookings are automated


    higher revenue with smart pricing

    Benefits for client

    The upgraded hotel booking software has been praised for its user-friendly design, intuitive navigation, and comprehensive automation features. It has also earned acclaim from both our clients and their end-users.

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      Odoo Implementation for ERP Processes with a 16% Surge in Online Sales

      Odoo ERP for eCommerce

      Odoo ERP Implementation with a 16% Surge in Online Sales

      Timspark offered Odoo ERP services to replace the client’s outdated, bespoke ERP system, execute CRM integration, and develop an AI chatbot to foster the company’s digital transformation.





      Our client is a US-based industrial equipment and components retailer with 50 employees. It is strategically positioning itself for business expansion within the fiercely competitive realm of e-commerce.

      *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

      Project in numbers


      7 months


      13 specialists

      The team involved in the project




      Odoo ERP for Ecommerce


      Odoo, JavaScript, React, Python, Google Ads API, PostgreSQL

      3 x Business analysts

      1 x Project manager

      1 x Back-end developer

      1 x Front-end developer

      2 x Odoo developers

      2 x QA engineers


      Our team aimed to solve the client’s outdated ERP issues like reporting problems, slow performance, and data silos with highly flexible and customizable software.


      Improve retail pipeline management

      Build smarter analytics and reporting

      Ensure advanced integration capabilities

      Solution & functionality

      We chose Odoo implementation to replace the client’s outdated ERP, leveraging its standard functions to meet 99% of their needs and adding custom features as required.

      Enterprise Resource Planning

      Our team’s Odoo ERP implementation automated critical business processes like inventory management, order processing, and financial reporting. We configured default features and added auxiliary functionality for online sales and POS terminals. Additionally, we implemented flexible pricing and compliant tax management and financial reporting modules.

      AI-powered Chatbot

      Using our AI expertise, we created an intelligent chatbot with advanced algorithms to automate rule-based tasks, reduce staff workload, and free up resources. Seamlessly integrated with the client’s website, resource planning, and customer management systems, our chatbot employs advanced AI to read user intentions and add human touch to automated customer support.

      Customer Relationship Management

      After the Odoo ERP implementation, we customized the CRM to integrate seamlessly and expand ERP capabilities. This centralized hub manages customer data, leads, and sales activities, automating processes like order generation and inventory updates. The CRM also streamlines customer management by centralizing contact details, purchase history, and communication logs for easy access and updates by sales reps.

      On top of that, we automated the e-commerce pipeline from lead capture to delivery. Pre-sale activities involve lead assignment and tracking, with additional features: 

      • Lead scoring
      • Automated emails
      • Reminders for managing quotes and feedback.

      Using Odoo-based CRM, sales reps easily handle customer support inquiries, service requests, and follow-ups to enhance customer loyalty.

      Paid Search Advertising & Branding

      We offered expert guidance on optimizing digital sales through Google Ads to drive increased visibility and targeted traffic. Our specialists also led a brand transformation, which resulted in heightened brand awareness and an influx of new customers to the client’s website.

      QR Codes

      As a tech-driven ERP Odoo implementation partner, Timspark improved inventory management using QR codes and enabled sales reps to track and label items accurately and streamline point-of-sale transactions. The unique QR codes printed on customer items facilitate quick and accurate identification, checkout, and access to discounts and promotions.

      Results and business value

      Timspark’s Odoo implementation liberates the client from outdated systems and fosters business growth. Our solution strategically enhances operational efficiency and profitability across all marketing activities.

      Benefits for client

      Timspark has successfully implemented a comprehensive Odoo system that replaces outdated ERP and boosts growth by integrating a custom CRM, QR codes for inventory, an AI chatbot, and optimized Google Ads. 


      more website visitors


      increase in online sales

      Related cases

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        Call Center Monitoring Software That Automates 27% of Client Requests

        IoT PLATFORM

        Call Center Monitoring Software That Automates 27% of Client Requests

        Timspark crafted a tailored AI-powered call center monitoring software for a major telecom enterprise, seamlessly linking operators and customers within an integrated platform.





        The client operates as an internet provider and offers a diverse array of internet services to customers situated across the European Union.

        *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

        Project in numbers


        13 months


        20 specialists

        The team involved in the project




        AI call center software


        React, Redux, Typescript, .Net Core, C#, .Net WebAPI, FluentMigrations, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Windows, Linux, Python

        1 x Project manager

        2 x Business analysts

        2 x Front-end developers

        4 x Back-end developers

        3 x Full-stack developers

        1 x DevOps engineer

        1 x VoIP engineer

        2 x QA engineers

        1 x UI/UX designer

        1 x Solutions architect

        2 x ML engineers


        Our ISP client aimed to enhance customer satisfaction and support by developing custom call center software for improved scheduling. They required seamless integration with their CRM and task-tracking system to help operators quickly access client information and automate issue resolution.

        Major objective

        Empower customer service interactions with AI

        Related objectives

        Automate request processing

        Build intuitive interface

        Ensure security compliance

        Smoothly integrate infrastructure

        Solution & functionality

        Timspark created advanced AI-driven call center monitoring software to direct client calls to appropriate operators through AI-powered voice recognition and request identification. Our solution utilizes a .Net-based microservices architecture for robust back-end implementation, including SIP and soft PBX servers. 

        The front end, developed with React and Electron, offers a user-friendly desktop application interface. The system efficiently handles call routing, adhering to predefined regulations, and maintains GDPR compliance throughout its interconnected components to keep operator communication and responses swift.

        AI-driven voice recognition and call routing

        Our team integrated artificial intelligence into contact center operations to automate client support processes. Interactive voice response, call routing, and smart voice recognition capabilities are now managed by AI. Using modern natural language processing techniques and BERT models, the system engages callers, identifies their requests, and performs tasks like changing tariffs or ordering additional services. 

        For complex inquiries, the AI routes call to the appropriate operator or department to provide specialized assistance. Intelligent routing optimizes customer interactions and allows operators to focus on exceptional service delivery and the resolution of complex issues.

        Client request cards

        Our AI call center software automated card creation and enables operators to access and update client details quickly. When a call is received, the system identifies the client and presents their card with personal information and interaction history. Each card includes an action plan tailored to the request to guide operators through the resolution process with step-by-step instructions.

        Call recordings and statistics

        The call center monitoring software software securely stores call recordings and provides customizable statistics and tools for analytics. Supervisors can monitor performance metrics, track interactions processed by AI, and optimize team efficiency. This part of call center software features enhances issue resolution and facilitates call operator training through comprehensive call logging and recording.

        Automated task setting

        Integrated with the company’s task management and CRM systems, our call center monitoring software enables efficient task creation and assignment. Operators can generate tasks from client interactions, transferring all relevant details automatically. Task progress can be tracked within the system to provide supervisors with insights into workload distribution and resolution status.

        Results and business value

        Our AI call center software boosts task management, optimizes workloads, and streamlines customer support. Its user-friendly interface enables quick responses, while its flexibility promotes collaboration across departments beyond telecom services.

        Benefits for client

        Timspark’s AI call center software is a significant improvement that has reduced the workload for staff to keep focus on more complex customer issues.


        faster customer success


        of requests automated

        Related cases

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          ML in banking: 5 times less fraud risk by spotting weird transactions

          Machine learning in banking
          ML in banking: 5 times less fraud risk by spotting weird transactions
          Timspark leveraged the power of machine learning in banking to keep an eye on digital transactions and catch any abnormal behavior with a new extension for the existing client’s system.
          #Fintech #Banking


          We have partnered with a major bank that has branches all over the US, providing loans, deposits, and more banking products.
          *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

          Project in numbers

          19 months
          13 specialists

          Team involved in the project

          Banking, Fintech
          ML-based system for fraud risk analysis and detection

          Python, Scala, DVC, MLFlow, Comet, Apache Spark MLLib, Scikit-learn, LightGBM, XGBoost, Hyperopt, PySpark, Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Jenkins

          2 x Frontend Developers
          2 x Backend Developers
          1 x Project Manager
          1 x Business Analyst
          2 x Data Engineers
          3 x ML Engineers
          1 x QA Engineer
          1 x UX/UI Designer


          The key American bank faced rising financial fraud threats, and traditional systems proved ineffective. We were picking the best ways to use machine learning in banking and finance against increasing fraudulent activities that endangered customer safety and the bank’s reputation.

          Related objectives

          Implement ML for fraud detection
          Upgrade the anti-money laundering system
          Increase customer safety
          Improve the bank’s reputation

          Solution & functionality

          We suggested adding an ML-powered extension to the banking system to scrutinize large data volumes and protect funds from malicious activities. It analyzes account holders’ transactions and raises alerts for any unusual, suspicious, or fraudulent behavior. With deep learning fintech algorithms, our team processed extensive data to spot irregularities signaling potential fraud risk.

          Aggregating data

          To begin, our engineers collected and unified all banking data, encompassing user identities, transaction histories, locations, payment methods, and other pertinent factors.

          Detecting anomalies

          We identified distinctive patterns like high transaction amounts or segmented transactions to avoid automated tax reporting, enabling ML algorithms to distinguish fraud from regular banking. Transactions are tagged as “good” or “bad”.
          We also accessed a vast dataset, efficiently spotting patterns and anomalies, and selected crucial features through data comparison and elimination techniques, improving fraud risk analysis and detection.

          Training the ML model

          Our ML team created algorithms to catch odd situations that slip past regular rules. This extension can predict even with less data, using smart machine-learning methods. So, our solution uses embedded representations, not typical features, to handle transactions.

          Implementing the ML model

          Once a threat’s spotted, the system shoots real-time data to the admin, who can stop or nix operations for further digging. Depending on the fraud chance, there are three outcomes:
          • If fraud odds are below 5%, the transaction gets the green light.
          • If the odds range between 6% and 70%, an extra check like an SMS code, fingerprint, or secret question is needed.
          • If the fraud chance tops 80%, the transaction’s axed, needing hands-on analysis.
          Plus, we set up good ML tools to explain models, making predictions clear and keeping things smooth for users.

          Results and business value

          Timspark’s top-notch ML extension spots fraud and takes action. Security’s solid — no breaches or financial crimes.

          x2.4 speedier in processing

          Our ML algorithms swiftly handle heaps of data, keeping up with the rapid transactions.

          99.3% accuracy of fraud detection

          Using these algorithms, we find tricky patterns that humans might miss. That means fewer mistakes and less unseen fraud.

          Less mundane tasks

          Our solution checks hundreds of thousands of payments per second, making the transaction process as painless as possible.
          The algorithms catch tiny changes fast, checking tons of payments per second. The bank gets tighter security, faster transactions, and less chance of missed fraud. It means smoother banking and peace of mind for the end customers.

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