Odoo Implementation for ERP Processes with a 16% Surge in Online Sales

Odoo ERP for eCommerce

Odoo ERP Implementation with a 16% Surge in Online Sales

Timspark offered Odoo ERP services to replace the client’s outdated, bespoke ERP system, execute CRM integration, and develop an AI chatbot to foster the company’s digital transformation.





Our client is a US-based industrial equipment and components retailer with 50 employees. It is strategically positioning itself for business expansion within the fiercely competitive realm of e-commerce.

*We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

Project in numbers


7 months


13 specialists

The team involved in the project




Odoo ERP for Ecommerce


Odoo, JavaScript, React, Python, Google Ads API, PostgreSQL

3 x Business analysts

1 x Project manager

1 x Back-end developer

1 x Front-end developer

2 x Odoo developers

2 x QA engineers


Our team aimed to solve the client’s outdated ERP issues like reporting problems, slow performance, and data silos with highly flexible and customizable software.


Improve retail pipeline management

Build smarter analytics and reporting

Ensure advanced integration capabilities

Solution & functionality

We chose Odoo implementation to replace the client’s outdated ERP, leveraging its standard functions to meet 99% of their needs and adding custom features as required.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Our team’s Odoo ERP implementation automated critical business processes like inventory management, order processing, and financial reporting. We configured default features and added auxiliary functionality for online sales and POS terminals. Additionally, we implemented flexible pricing and compliant tax management and financial reporting modules.

AI-powered Chatbot

Using our AI expertise, we created an intelligent chatbot with advanced algorithms to automate rule-based tasks, reduce staff workload, and free up resources. Seamlessly integrated with the client’s website, resource planning, and customer management systems, our chatbot employs advanced AI to read user intentions and add human touch to automated customer support.

Customer Relationship Management

After the Odoo ERP implementation, we customized the CRM to integrate seamlessly and expand ERP capabilities. This centralized hub manages customer data, leads, and sales activities, automating processes like order generation and inventory updates. The CRM also streamlines customer management by centralizing contact details, purchase history, and communication logs for easy access and updates by sales reps.

On top of that, we automated the e-commerce pipeline from lead capture to delivery. Pre-sale activities involve lead assignment and tracking, with additional features: 

  • Lead scoring
  • Automated emails
  • Reminders for managing quotes and feedback.

Using Odoo-based CRM, sales reps easily handle customer support inquiries, service requests, and follow-ups to enhance customer loyalty.

Paid Search Advertising & Branding

We offered expert guidance on optimizing digital sales through Google Ads to drive increased visibility and targeted traffic. Our specialists also led a brand transformation, which resulted in heightened brand awareness and an influx of new customers to the client’s website.

QR Codes

As a tech-driven ERP Odoo implementation partner, Timspark improved inventory management using QR codes and enabled sales reps to track and label items accurately and streamline point-of-sale transactions. The unique QR codes printed on customer items facilitate quick and accurate identification, checkout, and access to discounts and promotions.

Results and business value

Timspark’s Odoo implementation liberates the client from outdated systems and fosters business growth. Our solution strategically enhances operational efficiency and profitability across all marketing activities.

Benefits for client

Timspark has successfully implemented a comprehensive Odoo system that replaces outdated ERP and boosts growth by integrating a custom CRM, QR codes for inventory, an AI chatbot, and optimized Google Ads. 


more website visitors


increase in online sales

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    Telehealth solution: 5-7% boost in financial results

    Telemedicine app
    Telehealth solution: 5-7% boost in financial results
    Timspark addressed the client’s need in telehealth app development and created native iOS and Android applications, integrating them in the SaaS healthcare environment.

    #telehealth solution

    #mobile development
    #ios #android


    Our client is a telehealth software vendor specializing in platform-driven digital health solutions and white-label applications.
    *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

    Project in numbers

    2021 — Ongoing
    8 specialists

    Team involved in the project

    Remote patient care app
    Native Android (Android Studio 4.1.0+, Kotlin), Native iOS (Objective-C, Swift)

    2 x iOS Developers

    2 x Android Developers
    1 x Project Manager
    1 x Business Analyst
    1 x UI/UX Designer
    1 x QA Engineer


    The main goal was to create a telehealth solution for iOS and Android platforms that would work seamlessly with the current telehealth web platform in the SaaS healthcare software system.

    Related objectives

    Incorporate video conferencing functionality
    Guarantee HIPAA adherence
    Achieve smooth integration

    Solution & functionality

    The team crafted a digital healthcare solution for remote medical care available on both iOS and Android. While working on telemedicine app development, we considered every facet of the healthcare process, from appointment scheduling to reimbursement processing. This resulted in the creation of two modules: one for physicians and one for patients.

    Patient module


    To get access, users should pass through multi-factor authorization. As the product targets the US market, this measure is especially crucial regarding HIPAA-compliancy rules.

    Personalization features

    Patients input their symptoms into the chatbot, and the system correlates them with relevant physicians.

    Easy scheduling

    All healthcare workers have their profiles with comprehensive information, like experience, education, and timetable. Patients receive smart suggestions from the chatbot or can choose the available doctors in the list via filtering and schedule a consultation. After confirmation from the doctor, the system sends a push notification to the patient.

    Multimedia integration

    For doctor-patient consultations, the telehealth solution offers video calls. All electronic appointments are securely recorded and saved in a HIPAA-compliant cloud. When necessary, participants can exchange text messages and multimedia content. After the e-visit, patients are encouraged to give feedback and evaluate the doctor’s performance. Ultimately, the doctor devises a treatment plan, schedules necessary lab tests, prescribes required medications and organizes the next appointment.

    Physician module

    Functionality for physicians and the administrative staff

    Within the telemed app, doctors have access to timetables, can validate appointments, engage in electronic consultations, prescribe medications, and generate treatment outlines. They are able to access the patients’ profiles to monitor vitals, medication intake, view appointment history, and analyze medical records.
    As for the administrative staff, all the critical data is synchronized within the app which can be effortlessly linked with in-house telehealth software solutions, and the administrators can easily oversee reimbursement and healthcare billing processes.

    Results and business value

    The team crafted native applications for iOS and Android for remote healthcare, seamlessly merging them into the client’s healthcare software setup. We provide ongoing support and implementation of new functionality for the released product.

    HIPAA compliance and secure PHI

    Reduced costs for healthcare delivery

    Expected 5-7% boost in economic results

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