IoT & ML-based Energy Management Solution


IoT & ML-Based Energy Management Solution

The team developed software for IoT energy management, specifically tailored to monitor wind turbines and manage energy production.





A leading business in the renewable energy industry for over 20 years, specializing in wind energy and overseeing a vast network of wind turbines across multiple regions.

*We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

Project in numbers


Ongoing project


14 specialists

The team involved in the project




Data analytics


JavaScript, React, Redux, Python, FastAPI, Apache Spark, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, PostgreSQL, Grafana


1 x Business analyst

1 x Project manager

1 x Solution architect

3 x Back-end developers

1 x Front-end developer

1 x Embedded developer

1 x ML developer

1 x DE developer

1 x DevOps Specialist

2 x QA engineers

1 x Stakeholder’s SME


Build an IoT energy management solution empowered with ML algorithms for real-time monitoring and predictive analysis of wind turbine performance. The main goal is to prevent system malfunctions that could cause power outages and costly repairs.

Solution & functionality

The team came up with an IoT & ML-driven energy management software solution that predicts energy production. An advanced platform provides real-time updates on the status of each wind turbine based on the information accumulated from meteorological sensors and turbines.

Programmable logic controllers (PLC)

We utilized programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to gather data from sensors placed across the wind turbines. They monitor various operational metrics, like wind speed, turbine rotation speed, temperature, vibration, and torque, process the data and provide a precise overview of the wind turbine’s current performance, identify faults, and energy production efficiency. Additionally, system detects deviations, like an unexpected temperature rise or increased vibration — to prevent damage, it triggers alarms or shuts down the turbine. Such timely maintenance and malfunction prevention ensures balanced energy production and extends equipment lifespan.

Data visualization

To visualize data, our project team chose Grafana dashboards. We created customized actionable charts for IoT energy management displaying data like daily power output, turbine locations, weather patterns, and predicting future trends. Thanks to these visualizations operational managers have access to a real-time overview of turbine performance, while maintenance teams can quickly address turbine issues.

Data lake

The client needed a robust data lake, as they operate wind turbines across various regions. Our developers created a central repository to collect and store data from all turbines, regardless of their location, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data such as logs, sensor readings, and images. Data is collected from the PLCs and then stored and processed using AWS IoT Core and Lambda functions. Large datasets can be processed simultaneously, which greatly supports predictive maintenance and accelerates analysis and reporting.

Error prediction

Leveraging data science and MLOps, we developed a predictive model that evaluates various factors influencing turbine health, such as vibration and temperature levels, and performance metrics. This model continually learns from incoming data and enables the operational managers to detect warning signs of failures early. Upon identifying them, the energy management control system sends alerts to the maintenance teams so that they proactively address the issues before they cause breakdowns.

Analytical reports

The energy management system can generate analytical reports based on the historical and real-time data to provide insights into wind turbine performance. This data helps identify well-operating turbines and those needing maintenance. Also, by analyzing performance trends and external factors like weather, the system suggests ways to optimize energy consumption, determine ideal times for energy harvesting, manage storage, reduce costs, and streamline maintenance.

Results and business value

The team successfully implemented IoT in energy management, providing the client with a scalable energy management control system.

up to 6%

increase in energy production


reduction in maintenance and repair costs


critical threats prevented

Benefits for client

The solution helps prevent system malfunctions that could cause power outages and costly repairs. As a result, the client achieved 18% reduction in maintenance and repair costs and up to 6% increase in energy production.

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    *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

    Project in numbers


    Ongoing (6 months for MVP)


    13 specialists

    The team involved in the project


    Business management


    Database software


    Java, Kafka, React, Redux, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Bitbucket pipelines, AWS EKS

    7 x Developers

    1 x Business analyst

    1 x Project manager

    2 x QA specialists

    1 x DevOps Specialist

    1 x UX/UI Designer


    This web solution needed to incorporate a module system with specific modules for user and access control, process management, and data administration while remaining resilient and adaptable to both internal and external changes.

    Related objectives

    Enable data centralization within one system

    Allow adding new features without significant refinements

    Integrate dashboards with analytics

    Allow assigning the employee accountable for a specific process/task

    Integrate and optimize business processes

    Reduce the company’s operating costs

    Solution & functionality

    Our software development team built an automated web application and introduced a highly flexible database to correspond to frequent updates in HR and business processes. All the added features improve the handling of staffing issues and routine administrative tasks.

    Employee Profile

    Previously, employee information was scattered, lacking a centralized hub. Now, the HRM system consolidates all processes into a single platform. It enables task assignments, comment submissions, and filters employee data, allowing results to be saved in spreadsheets for analytics. In the Employee Profile tab, specialists access general info, Skills Management section, Development Plan, one-on-one meeting functionality, and document sharing. The system streamlines employee data management, improving decision-making and enhancing HR processes.

    Centralized system with flexible settings

    Frequent changes in the company structure, employee functions, and overall internal business processes needed centralization. To address this challenge, we upgraded the employee data storage and empowered it with highly flexible settings to easily update and obtain the information. We enabled access to organizational structure, advanced search, and quick employee searches using filters like name, administrative units, positions, managers, and employee filtering by professional expertise, skills, and more.

    Within our HRM application, we’ve introduced the following functionality:

    • Company structure tab
    • Organizational structure presented in both tree and list formats
    • Comprehensive employee list with various filtering options
    • Efficient employee search

    With these enhancements, we’ve streamlined access to crucial company information, making it more accessible and beneficial for the employees.

    Localization of HR processes

    Businesses based in different regions adhere to specific legal norms and HR processes, such as contract models, vacation management, probation, days off, and calendar plans. Our specialists faced this challenge by building a flexible modular structure within the Processes tab. Users are provided with a current set of options:

    Create process drafts and efficiently oversee existing processes.
    Receive automatic alerts when final versions of processes are prepared and published.
    Provide multilingual support, ensuring a more inclusive experience for users.

    Improved leave management

    Leave policies vary by office location, including time off procedures, probationary periods, and allotted days. This diversity may pose challenges, especially when employees relocate. The system simplifies sick days requests, providing a clear overview of time off entitlements, upcoming leaves, and request history.

    We have introduced the ‘Time off’ tab which displays leave balance, requests details (leave type, date, duration, quantity, and request status, subordinate requests) enabling managers to review their subordinates’ leave requests. Data export streamlines record-keeping in accounting programs.

    System settings

    Frequent changes in the company organization, employee roles, and operational procedures called for centralizing. We have introduced the bulk change feature with an intuitive UI in the “System Settings” tab to achieve this. It encompasses the company structure, allowing users to apply changes in bulk through a user-friendly interface.

    Additionally, we incorporated smart filtering within the company structure section. Users can filter data by unit, division, department, team, group, and more. On one hand, this empowers users to seamlessly relocate employees to new locations or departments with a single click. On the other hand, filtering enables users to select multiple parameters and swiftly access pertinent information efficiently.

    Corporate mobile application

    To gain an opportunity to work efficiently on the go, we integrated the ecosystem with a corporate mobile employee HR app that duplicates the main HRM system functionality and makes corporate workflow information easily accessible. The mobile app covers key corporate needs, such as access management, company structure, employee viewing, time off processing, main settings, and notifications.

    Results and business value

    Our specialists helped to enhance the organization’s operational flow by developing a secure modular web HR software solution.

    Fully functioning app to distribute on a SaaS basis

    Improved workflows

    Reduced operational costs

    Flexible system

    Stable system performance and security

    The new HRM system optimized processes and reduced costs for a large firm with 1,000+ employees. Our software team continued to enhance the cross-platform HRM app, making it available globally via SaaS.

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      Holistic DevOps Solution for Banking Software Lifecycle

      Our team built a DevOps toolkit for transparent development processes in the banking domain.





      Bank with various departments and an extensive range of 80+ digital offerings (exclusive software, CRM platforms, ERP systems, web gateways, and mobile applications).

      *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

      Project in numbers


      September 2019 – Ongoing


      12 specialists

      Team involved in the project


      Banking, Fintech


      Streamlined management of digital solutions under the DevOps toolkit


      Jira, Microsoft Teams, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo, Jenkins, Load Runner, Selenium, JUnit, TEST IT, SonarQube, Anchore, Black Duck, Fortify, Ansible, Packer, Nexus Repository Pro, Zabbix, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Loki, Kubernetes, VMware Tanzu, Microsoft Azure, VMware, Hyper-V

      1 x Cloud Architect

      3 x Business Analysts

      1 x Project Manager

      5 x DevOps Engineers

      2 x System Engineers


      Due to the lack of a coherent software development strategy, the customer could not leverage the advantages of DevOps within the banking domain. Therefore, they encountered challenges such as fragmented codebases and inconsistent knowledge transfer, absence of automated testing, and extended time-to-market for their solutions.

      Related objectives

      Organize scattered codebases

      Streamline communications

      Reduce time-to-market

      Solution & functionality

      Our team considered the functional requirements provided by the customer, with cost-effectiveness and reliability in mind, to build a fully functional DevOps environment. The customer is now able to manage application lifecycle, communications, continuous integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring with more transparency and flexibility.

      Effective app lifecycle and communications management

      Our team saw Atlassian products as the option, as their functionality provides smooth implementation and ability to practice agile management. We set up Jira to handle development processes and improve communication.

      Confluence was used to generate and store documentation, which used to lack systematization.
      Microsoft Teams was implemented to streamline communication between development teams and external collaborators.

      Version control and continuous integration

      Our client lacked a centralized repository for version control and streamlined CI/CD pipelines. As a solution, our project team initiated a transition to Bitbucket, conducted training sessions on GitHub beforehand, and implemented Jenkins.

      Testing and security scans

      The team implemented tools for monitoring software vulnerabilities and maintaining effortless product quality.

      TEST IT for a range of testing functionalities: manual and automated testing, autotest integrations, extended public APIs, test libraries, user-friendly test script editors, version control, and historical data management.
      Black Duck for adherence to security protocols and SonarQube to maintain code quality and cleanliness.

      Deployment, configuration, and artifact management

      Our expert team ensured the automation of deployments with DevOps practices removing previous roadblocks.

      Bamboo — core tool for deployment and configuration. It enabled seamless integration with existing systems.
      Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles for managing deployments
      Terraform for overseeing cloud environments
      Ansible for configuring virtual machines
      Packer for images preparation and unification
      Nexus Repository Pro for efficient handling of large volumes of product and development data.

      Monitoring and logging

      Our team prioritized monitoring and analyzing events with various tools for better reliability, performance, and security of the software system.

      Zabbix — to oversee physical hardware and communication channels and generate visual representations of the infrastructure’s condition.

      Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana — to gather, store and analyze logs and product metrics.

      Grafana and Loki — to deliver up-to-date insights into developing applications and maintain ongoing monitoring.ur team prioritized monitoring and analyzing events with various tools for better reliability, performance, and security of the software system.

      Additionally, the team integrated the tool with messengers for alerts and notifications with the system’s current status and progress.


      Kubernetes and VMware Tanzu were implemented to host and orchestrate containerized applications on virtual machines and physical hosts.
      This helped the team achieve centralized management, high availability, and level of performance. Additionally, these tools provide independence from cloud platforms and secure backup and recovery.


      Our experts applied hybrid cloud approaches for accessible and effective infrastructure solutions.

      VMware and Microsoft product stacks — for the private data center infrastructure to ensure the equipment’s fault tolerance
      Microsoft Azure — for hosting Windows applications
      Feedback channels from banking departments and end users — to improve product quality and implement immediate changes.

      Results and business value

      Our experts integrated DevOps strategies and helped to improve the customer’s development processes on different levels.

      Improved communication

      Efficient management

      Faster time-to-market

      10 times shorter mean time to recovery

      99.7% availability

      Effectiveness was considerably enhanced: the solution decreased the risk of flaws, enabled generation of logs, revert changes function, faster product delivery, and more effective planning, testing, and monitoring.

      Benefits for client

      Communication between stakeholders and IT departments was improved, management of digital solutions became efficient and predictable. The customer reached a faster time-to-market for their products.

      The solution boosted the customer’s metrics for critical systems: availability increased from 96% to 99.7%, and the average recovery time was reduced from 5 hours to 30 minutes.

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        Migrating a Non-Scalable Corporate System to a Cloud-Based Solution

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        Large e-commerce platform specializing in clothing, equipment, and accessories. 

        *We cannot provide any information about the client or specifics of the case study due to non-disclosure agreement (NDA) restrictions.

        Project in numbers


        7 months


        14 specialists

        Team involved in the project




        Cloud migration platform


        Azure Data Factory, SSAS, Azure DevOps, Power BI, Salesforce Cloud, Python, Scala, SQL

        1 x Team Lead

        1 x Solution Architect

        6 x Data Engineers

        4 x Business Intelligence Developers

        1 x Business Analyst

        1 x Project Manager


        The major objective for the team was to migrate the customer’s corporate system to a cloud-based Power BI solution, and thus enhance its scalability and automation.

        Related objectives

        Reliable data storage

        Enhanced functionality for analytics

        Streamlined business procedures

        Solution & functionality

        The team moved the on-site platform to the cloud, constructed data repositories and refined analytics dashboards.

        Curated databases

        The initial challenge was the substantial amount of scattered data to migrate, some of which came with numerous discrepancies and some as part of unclean datasets. However, the team managed to make the transfer process as smooth as possible.

        To address the problem, our tech specialists created data marts (data storage systems specific to the organization’s business units): Operative, Employee Management, Financial, Supply Chain, and E-commerce. Data can be transferred here from various origins such as internal APIs, Salesforce, and Google Analytics, then converted and stored in the ultimate data storage.

        Full-cycle automation

        The team has successfully organized all data from various sources to be accessible within the Power BI platform, Despite challenges like data inconsistency and peculiarities in data representation. We implemented end-to-end workflow automation integrating all processes with data, such as extraction, mapping, filtering, as well as the creation of data marts and dashboards.

        Enhanced analytics dashboards

        With the existing cloud solution, the data is securely stored and automatically updated daily. Users can view all the selected data of internal processes, personnel administration, financial, supply chain operations, and marketing activities on customizable dashboards. Additionally, they can tailor how the data is displayed per their requirements. As a result, the end customer gains the basis for timely and data-driven decisions.

        Results and business value

        We have developed a reliable automated system with maximum code cleanliness and highly robust clusters for multiple data operations. The solution as a whole enables more resilience for the company and more effective data-driven decisions.

        Real-time data synchronization

        Information on products, their specifications and availability from the e-commerce platform and the internal system is being aligned and updated on a real-time basis.

        Visualization via dynamic dashboards

        The customer can analyze events inside the customer’s journey, from their initial website visit to the purchase (with data from Google Analytics and Salesforce), and prepare more customized campaigns based on their behavior.

        Improved delivery process

        The delivery process became more streamlined at all stages, on both the retailer’s and the customer’s sides.

        Benefits for client

        The team got positive feedback from both the customer and the end-user on the exceptional standard of development and efficiency of the app, as well as the effective communication throughout the project.

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